ILF Scotland

20190129 - Board Meeting Minute - 29 Jan 2019

Type of document: Board Reporting
ILF Scotland - Minute of Board Meeting - 29 Jan 2019 cover image

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Published: January 29, 2019


Independent Living Fund Scotland: Board Meeting

Fleming B, Atlantic Quay, 5 Broomielaw, Glasgow

Tuesday 29th January 2019 11:00am – 2:30pm


Susan Douglas-Scott CBE                     Chair, Board Director

Liz Humphreys                                      Vice Chair, Board Director

Alan Dickson                                         Board Director

Mark Adderley                                       Board Director


Betty McAtear                                       Board Director

Fiona O’Donnell                                    Board Director

Twimukye Mushaka                               Board Director

In Attendance

Peter Scott                                           CEO

Harvey Tilley                                           Chief Operating Officer

Jim Maguire                                          Finance Director

Aileen McNiven                                        Executive Business Manager (Secretariat)

Welcome, declarations of interest and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the ILF Scotland Board meeting, warmly introducing Mark Adderley (Mark), Board Director to his first Board meeting.


As above

Declaration of Interest


Chairs Introductory Remarks

Susan Douglas-Scott (Susan) opened the meeting with an up to date summary of recent work completed stating it has continued to be a busy year for ILF Scotland Board with the following noted :-

  • Implemented the latest reform to Policy 4, Available Income, and associated policies, reducing the maximum financial contribution any recipient can make from £103 per week to £83.  This reform is intended to improve independent living outcomes by increasing levels of disposable income.
  • Submitted a further Policy 4 reform proposal to our Sponsor Team, this time with a request to reduce contributions to £0, with a fall-back position of £42.80.  This proposal was submitted in response to the inclusion in the draft Scottish Government 2019/20 budget of a commitment to “reforming the Independent Living Fund Scotland charging policy to improve the disposable incomes of disabled people”. This budget commitment has raised expectations of disabled people and we are currently waiting on a formal response to this submission.
  • Continued negotiations with COSLA with a view to securing an amendment to their Social Care Charging Guidance to ensure any further reform to Policy 4 is not met with increased charges from Local Authorities, thereby negating the intended benefit for recipients.
  • Successfully uplifted the May 2018 Scottish Living Wage increment for recipients employing PA’s.  ILF Scotland took a relatively controversial decision not to award a blanket uplift for those utilising agency support, but to manage this through business as usual.
  • Implemented a successful media campaign to further promote the Transitions Fund - #TrySomethingNew.
  • Launched the online application system for the Transition Fund.
  • The Chair spoke passionately of the constant need to push for reform to ensure disabled people have the resource and support to live independently.

Susan directed the Board to the Quarterly Corporate Report for further detail and additional workstreams.

Susan announced the resignation of Twimukye Mushaka, Board Director due to work commitments following a career promotion. The Chair thanked Twimukye for her support, valuable input and commitment to ILF Scotland over the last two years.

1.   Minutes of Previous Meeting

The ILF Scotland Board approved the Board Minute of 30th October 2018 as an accurate account of the meeting with the following amendment:

Pg. 3: Declaration of Interest – remove ‘none’.

2.   Matters Arising

2.1 Board Minute 30 Oct 2018 - Pg. 12 - ACTION 1: Peter Scott (Peter) to check the geographical spread of the 6 young people.

Due to the busy diaries and commitments of the 6 young people, it has been challenging to confirm a date which suits everyone. This has been due in part to the success of the use of their awards. To date there are 4 young people, who have received Transition Fund (TF) grants, confirmed (2 x Glasgow, 1 x Moray, 1 x Renfrewshire) who would like to become involved.

The Communications Team will try to organise an initial TF meeting with the use of video-conferencing/skype to ensure the group can meet soon.

2.2 Board Minute 30 October 2018- Pg. 12 – ACTION 2(ii): Business Case outlining the business critical requirement for staffing resource to support the TF.

Peter reported approval had been received from the Sponsor team to appoint appropriate resource for a fixed term to 31st March 2019. Due to the time constraints of the recruitment process – staff will only just be in post mid-march. Peter informed the Board that a further request to the Sponsor Team will be made to extend the Fixed-term contracts appropriately.

2.3 Board Minute 30 October 2018- Pg. 12 – ACTION 2(iii): Sponsor Team to organise a meeting with Susan, Peter and Joe Fitzpatrick, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Well-being.

Peter informed the Board that a few dates in March have been submitted to the office of the Minister and a date will be confirmed in due course.

3.   Board Recruitment Update

Following the resignation of Twimukye Mushaka the Public Appointments Team and the Sponsor Team have started a new round of recruitment to replace Twimukye which should take approximately 20 weeks in total.

The Essential Criteria will also now include a focus to recruit a disabled person to the Board which will provide an effective and informed voice on all aspects to the Boards decision making.

The Board noted the Board Recruitment Update from Susan.

4.   Audit Committee Report

Paper 2a: Draft Minute (15 Jan ’19)

Alan Dickson (Alan)  spoke to the draft Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) minute of 15th January 2019, stating that the ARC are happy with the forecasts communicated and ILF Scotland is currently in a good position with regard to ARC responsibilities.

Alan informed the Board of the forthcoming procurement process to appoint a new Internal Auditor in 2019 when the current internal auditor 3 year contract ends.

Alan confirmed that after communication with the Sponsor Team we expect to continue with our current external auditor for another year.  Following this we expect our external auditors to be appointed by Audit Scotland, in line with other NDPB’s.

Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) – membership

The Chair thanked Betty McAtear for standing in temporarily and supporting the ARC. Following the appointment of Mark Adderley to the Board, Mark has been appointed as a member of the Audit & Risk Committee. Mark will attend the ON Board – Effective Audit & Risk workshop as part of his induction on the ARC.

ACTION 1: Aileen to organise forthcoming ON Board – Effective Audit & Risk workshop for Mark.

Paper 2b: Management Accounts (to December 2018)
(Refer to paper for detailed Accounts)

The Management Accounts to December 2018 were presented by Jim Maguire (Jim). Jim clarified the Management Accounts in detail to allow Mark to become familiar with ILF Scotland finance processes, procedures and management accounts to date.

Grant in Aid (GiA) for the current financial year is:

  • £44,300,000 for the 2015 Fund Scotland
  • £6,850,000 for the 2015 Fund Northern Ireland
  • £4,600,000 for the Transition Fund (TF)

Total payment made to end December 2018 amount to £40,319,131, made up of

  • £38,824,889 for the 2015 Fund, and
  • £1,494,242 for the TF.

The Board noted the increase in the Transition Fund (TF) applications in the last quarter (up approximately 35%) recognising the success of the recent communications, engagement and media campaign for the TF.

Following recent meetings with Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health & Sport,

Susan noted the preference within Health Finance to move to a longer term financial planning system.  Therefore, ILF Scotland should continue to produce longer term financial forecasts. 

The Board noted the Management Accounts to December 2018.

Paper 2c-f: Draft Budget
(Refer to all papers)

Jim spoke to all draft budget/ business case papers ahead of a Sponsor team/NHS Finance Budget planning meeting on 30th January 2019.

Jim explained in full detail the rationale for the increase from £2.4m in 2018/19 Admin Budget (£2.6m based on December 2018 run rate) to £3.2m in 2019/20 Admin Budget:

  •     Significant staff pension costs increase if, as expected, ILF Scotland move to a defined benefits pension in line with other NDPB’s and Civil Servants;
  •     Increased incremental salary costs and cost of living increase in line with Scottish Government Pay Policy;
  •     New assessors / HR & Business Support  staff to maintain delivery of 2015 fund as  the TF continues to grow and develop;
  •     Deliver essential improvements within digital & IT strategy; business continuity planning; data analytics; web development and GDPR.

Jim informed the Board of possible solutions to deliver the increased budget requests within our expected financial envelope, subject to Sponsor Team approval.   The draft budget will return to the ARC for further scrutiny in March, and then to the Board for final approval in April.

The Board noted the draft budget and acknowledging their support for the increased budget ahead of the Sponsor and NHS Finance meeting on 30th January 2019.

Paper 2g: Risk Management Policy
(Refer to paper)

Peter introduced this paper, stating it had been to the ARC, where it is was discussed in detail and amendments made prior to recommendation to the Board for approval.

The Board acknowledged the Risk Management Policy will evolve over the next year, following further detailed work on risk appetite, resiliency work and business continuity planning. It was agreed to specify risk appetite on the register, and to consider Mark’s suggestion of introducing risk targets.

The Board approved the Risk Management Policy subject to the above suggestion and requested it is submitted annually (January Board meeting) for review.

ACTION 2: Harvey Tilley (Harvey) to amend Risk Management Policy and Risk Register to include risk appetite, and to consider a risk target for each risk.

Paper 2h-i: Risk Register
(Refer to papers)

Peter spoke to this paper, outlining the changes to the Risk Register since the Board last met noting the recent ARC recommended change to the Risk Register, which will be introduced ahead of this committee’s next meeting.

Following discussion the Board noted the Risk Register, risk closures and new risks added.

Paper 2g: Letter of Appointment
(Refer to paper)

Based on the SG – Audit & Risk appointment letter proforma, this paper was introduced for approval.

The Board discussed in full detail the highlighted areas with the following amendments to the letter, prior to letters of appointment for ARC members being issued:

  1. Pg. 1- Add bullet point ‘ to review the financial position of ILF Scotland on behalf of the Board’
  1. Pg. 2 – Expenses and Subsistence – amend final paragraph to read as follows:

‘As a general rule, the aim is to use the most efficient and economic means of travel, taking into account sustainability, subsistence costs and savings in time. You would however be entitled to travel first class by rail and business class by air where appropriate. Any further clarification on ILF Scotland’s arrangements should be sought via the Secretary of the Audit & Risk Committee.’

  1. Letter to be signed by the Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee

Aileen to check the Board ‘Code of Conduct’ is in sync with the letter of appointment.

Subject to the above amendments the Board approved the Letter of Appointment to the ARC.

ACTION 3: Aileen to amend and prepare the Letters of Appointment for signing off by the Chair of the ARC.

Aileen to check the ‘Letter of Appointment’ is in sync with the Board ‘Code of Conduct’. 

5.   Governance Documents

Framework Agreement
(Refer to Paper)

Peter re-introduced this paper stressing the Framework Agreement is now in its final draft following much work between ILF Scotland, SG, and their respective legal teams, to reach agreement.

The Board Directors discussed the previously requested amendment to section 1(Pg. 3) to the Framework Agreement. 

The Board approved the Framework Agreement.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)
(Refer to Paper)

Peter re-introduced the SLA, stating again that the agreement has been back and forward to SG, ILF Scotland, and lawyers. It was recognised how much work has been completed to reach this stage, and that the SLA paper presented is the final draft.

Peter invited the Board Directors to go through the previous recommended changes which have now been accepted by SG, Sponsor Team, and respective legal teams. All the above are now content to recommend the approval of the SLA.

Following further discussion the Board approved the Service Level Agreement.

Action 4: Peter to liaise further with Sponsor Team to ensure Ministerial sign off for both the Framework and SLA is completed as soon as possible.

6.   Quarter 3 Corporate Report & Business Plan
      (Refer to papers)

Peter spoke to the paper directing the Board to the highlighted areas for discussion:-

  • Key policy changes – implementing Scottish Living Wage and reducing the charges to recipients in Scotland;
  • Implementing cost of living increase for recipients in Northern Ireland;  
  • Raising awareness of the Transition Fund - leading to a significant increase in applications;
  • Launching our first online service, co-designed by young disabled individuals;
  • Extensive planning to produce our draft budget and Business Plan for 2019/20;
  • Rebalancing packages where ILF Scotland paid more than Local authorities – reduced by 2.5%, which is a significant saving.

The board expressed their satisfaction following the recent reform to Policy 4 and the resultant reduction of charges to fund recipients in Scotland.  They welcomed the inclusion in the Draft Scottish Budget for 2019/20 of a commitment for further reductions, particularly in the context of the extension of Free Personal Care from April 2019.

Harvey Tilley (Harvey) introduced the conceptual corporate reporting tool with real-time dashboards which will report key performance indicators to the Board supporting long term decision making. The new look tool is expected to be implemented by January 2020, subject to budgetary approval.

Further discussions ensued regarding the successful Transition Fund engagement campaign ‘#TrySomethingNew’, and the launch of the online application portal. The Board felt it would be beneficial to invite Holly Child, Communications Manager to present the results of the ‘#TrySomethingNew’ campaign at a future Board meeting in 2019.

ACTION 5: Peter to invite Holly Child to present the ‘#TrySomethingNew’ campaign results to the Board during 2019.

The Board commended the work of the ILF Scotland team, acknowledging Q3 had been a strong quarter, continuing to deliver the Strategic Plan 2016-20. The important focus remaining on keeping disabled people at the centre of all decisions and workstreams.

Following lengthy discussion the Board noted the Q3 Corporate Report & Business Plan to December 2018.

7.   MACC & PQQ

The Board noted that no MACC & PQQ’s had been received since the last Board meeting in October 2018.      

8.   Health & Safety Report
      (Refer to paper)

The Board noted with confidence the Health & Safety Report

9.   Directors Register of Interests
      (Refer to paper)

The Board noted the Annual Directors Declaration of Interest Register.

10. AOB
Joint Stakeholder Meeting – Stormont Northern Ireland.

The Chair invited Board Directors to support and help host the forthcoming first joint stakeholder meeting (Scotland and Northern Ireland) and Stormont event on 1st and 2nd April 2019.

This meeting and showcase event is being held to open joint dialogue to raise awareness of the impact and difference an ILF award has in allowing disabled people to live independently.  

The Chair asked Board Directors to inform Harvey if they can attend as soon as possible.

ACTION 6: Board Directors to confirm to Harvey if they can attend the first joint stakeholder meeting and event on 1st / 2nd April 2019 in Stormont, Belfast.

Board meeting minute

Liz requested the Draft Board minute be circulated as soon as possible following sign off from Susan.

ACTION 7: Aileen to circulate the Board minute as soon as possible following sign off from Susan.

Congratulations – CBE
On behalf of the Board and Executive team Liz warmly congratulated Susan on the announcement of her recent CBE.

Susan has been awarded Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List 2019.

This has been awarded in recognition of Susan’s long service to public life and commitment to promoting diversity, inclusivity and equality with a focus on improving the lives of individuals.

11.     Close. 

Important Board Dates:

Next Remuneration Committee Meeting: February 11th 2019, Atlantic Quay

Next Board Development: 12:30pm, February 11th 2019, Atlantic Quay

Next Audit & Risk Meeting: March 11th 2019, Atlantic Quay

Next Board Meeting Date:  Tuesday 30th April 2019, Atlantic Quay

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