In October, Our Chair of the Board, Susan Douglas-Scott, met with our Scotland stakeholder group and signed the National Involvement Network’s (NIN) Charter for Involvement.
The Charter for Involvement establishes how disabled people who use support services want to be involved and to have a say about:
Most importantly, the Charter helps people who use support services to be listened to and respected.
Chair of the ILF Scotland Stakeholder Group, Jim Elder-Woodward said:
“I welcome ILF Scotland’s signing of the NIN Charter. It show’s their willingness to work with those they support. I look forward to see how they implement the 12 Statements; and hope the Stakeholders’ Group will be able to work with ILF Scotland in the future monitoring and revision of these Statements, for they need to be seen as part of the ongoing review and development of the organisation.”
By signing the Charter for Involvement, ILF Scotland have committed to following the 12 statements to enhance the direct involvement of recipients and to take inspiration from the ideas the NIN have established for making the 12 statements work.
You can view the 12 statements to improve involvement and find out more about the Charter here.