ILF Scotland

Freedom of information

Updated: June 21, 2024

Independent Living Fund Scotland (ILF Scotland) is committed to being an open, honest and accessible organisation, as well as being fully compliant with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA).

In order to be fully compliant with FOISA, ILF Scotland has not only adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme, but has also produced a Guide to Information (see below).

This will show you what information we currently publish in line with the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme.

ILF Scotland engage in the National Records of Scotland’s Progress Update Review and review our Guide to Information and the documents that we publish under the Model Publication Scheme annually.

If you cannot find what you are looking for under our Guide to Information and wish to make a freedom of information request, please contact us in writing with clear details on the information you require and a return address for our response.

You can make a request by:


Post: ILF Scotland, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA

We will respond to requests as quickly as possible and within 20 working days.

ILF Scotland - Guide to Information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (the Act) requires Scottish public authorities to produce and maintain a publication scheme. We must:

  • publish the classes of information that they make routinely available
  • tell you how to access information we hold.

We have adopted the Model Publication Scheme 2019 produced by the Scottish Information Commissioner. You can see this scheme on our website at:

Or by contacting us at: ILF Scotland, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA

The purpose of this Guide to Information is to:

  • allow you to see what information is available (and what is not available) in relation to each class
  • explain how you can find the information easily
  • provide contact details for enquiries and to get help with accessing information
  • explain how to request information we hold that has not been published

Where to find information

The information we publish is mostly available on our website. If you are not able to access the information online, please let us know and we can make alternative arrangements to provide the information you need.

Information we will not provide

We will publish information which falls within the categories of information below. If a document contains information that is exempt under Scotland’s freedom of information laws (for example sensitive personal information or a trade secret), we may remove or redact the information before publication but we will explain why.


Information that we provide which has been produced by ILF Scotland may be copied or reproduced without formal permission, provided that:

  • it is copied or reproduced accurately
  • it is not used in a misleading context
  • the source of the material is identified

If the information we provide was not produced by ILF Scotland we will make this clear, you will need to get permission from the person / organisation who produced the information if you want to use it for your own purposes.


We do not routinely charge for answering requests for information. However, if responding to your request would cost us more than £400, we will let you know and offer you the choice of whether we refuse the request, or whether you would like to pay to receive the information.


You can contact us for assistance with any aspect of this publication scheme:

ILF Scotland, Ground Floor, Denholm House
Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way
Livingston, EH54 6GA
T: 0300 200 202

We will also be pleased to advise you how to ask for information that we do not publish or how to complain if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of this publication scheme.

The classes of information that we publish

We publish information that we hold within the following classes. Once information is published under a class we will continue to make it available for the current and previous two financial years.

Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available. If you would like to see previous versions, you are welcome to make a request to us for that information.

Class 1: About ILF Scotland

Class description: Information about ILF Scotland, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

Class 2: How ILF Scotland delivers ours functions and services

Class description: Information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering functions and services and information for our service users.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

Class 3: How ILF Scotland takes decisions and what it has decided

Class description: Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions and how we involve others.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

Class 4: What ILF Scotland spends and how it spends it

Class description: Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources (in sufficient detail) to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

Class 5: How ILF Scotland manages its human, physical and information resources

Class description: Information about how we manage the human, physical and information resources.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

Class 6: How ILF Scotland procures goods and services from external providers

Class description: Information about how we procure goods and services, and our contracts with external providers.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

Class 7: How ILF Scotland is performing

Information about how ILF Scotland performs as an organisation, and how well it delivers its functions and services.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

Class 8: Our Commercial Publications

Class description: Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g. bookshop, museum or research journal.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

ILF Scotland does not hold or publish anything under this class.

Class 9: Open Data

Class description: Open data made available by the authority as described by the Scottish Government’s Open Data Resource Pack and available under an open licence.

The information we publish under this class - and how to access it.

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