Working Families launched their #FlextheUK campaign last month calling for all employers to incorporate & exercise flexible working policies for all of their staff and to make this the norm and not the exception. They want employers and businesses to harness the increases in productivity, talent attraction, and diversity that flexible working is understood to bring to the UK economy long after COVID-19 has run its course.
ILF Scotland is fully supportive of the campaign with Harvey Tilley, Chief Operating Officer, stating: "We at ILF Scotland are pleased to support Working Families' #FlextheUK campaign and to be amongst a number of organisations asking for flexible working to be the default setting after Covid19.
"ILF Scotland started its journey in 2015 to be a truly life friendly employer and the advice, guidance and support we have had from Working Families has been one of the key building blocks to our approach. This support has undoubtedly been critical in enabling us to pivot as an organisation to respond to the very real challenges of Covid19, whilst carrying on delivering high quality support to disabled people in Scotland and Northern Ireland safely."
There has been coverage about the campaign and our support in the Telegraph, which you can find a copy of in the document attached below.
You can also find more information about the campaign itself on Working Families' website.