Susan Douglas-Scott Chair, Board Director
Liz Humphreys Vice Chair, Board Director
Alan Dickson Board Director
Betty McAtear Board Director
Bridget Sly Board Director
Fiona O’Donnell Board Director
Twimukye Mushaka Board Director
Jim Maguire Finance Director
In Attendance
Peter Scott CEO
Harvey Tilley Chief Operating Officer
Nadeem Hanif Head of Finance
Robert White Head of Social Work
Beatriz Sanchez Scottish Government, Sponsor Manager
Aileen McNiven Executive Business Manager (Secretariat)
Welcome, declarations of interest and apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the ILF Scotland Board meeting.
There were no declarations of interest expressed.
Apologies were noted.
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The ILF Scotland Board approved the Board Minute of 19 September 2017 as an accurate account of the meeting with the following amendment.
Pg. 5, Item 7,
Replace last line of Para 2 with- The Board discussed, considered and approved the following:
Pg. 7, Item 12 (AOB)
Last line – (2nd last sentence) - remove ‘in the’
2. Matters Arising
The following points were noted:
From Minute of 19th October 2018- ACTION 1
Following correspondence with the Scottish Government (SG) Sponsor Team, the Board were advised that the Public Bodies Unit do not attend Board meetings. All correspondence should be directed through the SG Sponsor Team.
Beatriz Sanchez (Beatriz) updated the Board on the process of changing the ILF Scotland status from SOPB (Significant Other Public Body) to a NDPB (Non-Departmental Public Body). This involves:
1. Change via Her Majesty’s Treasury which SG has no control over and may take over a year, and;
2. Change through statutory instruments and legislation via SG which will be quicker.
Beatriz confirmed she is currently investigating the quickest and most effective way to make this change and will report back in due course. Beatriz will provide Peter Scott (Peter) with the information to circulate, clarifying the timetable and the statutory legislation laid out.
The Board requested the classification status change from SOPB to NDPB be added to the Risk Register and a detailed plan be circulated.
ACTION 1: Nadeem Hanif (Nadeem) to include classification status change from SOPB to NDPB on the Risk Register.
ACTION 2: Beatriz to create a detailed plan on change of public body status which Peter will share with the Board.
From Minute of 19th October 2018- ACTION 3
Positive feedback was received from the Board Directors who have attended Assessor Reviews. As previously minuted, further visits will be confirmed for other Board Directors who would like to attend a review – Susan Douglas-Scott (Susan) and Betty McAtear (Betty) outstanding.
ACTION 3: Senior Assessors to contact Susan and Betty re possible dates, Betty (Transition Fund visit from March onwards), Ayrshire for Susan.
3. Management Accounts (to December 2017)
(Refer to paper)
Peter summarised the key aspects of the accounts within the ILF Scotland Financial Management Information Pack – December 2017. The following points were noted:
Award payments
Year to date payments made to Dec ‘17 amount to £38,826,088. These award payments take into account adjusting an element of the backdated Scottish Living Wage (SLW) payments.
Grant Income – Surplus
Based on the actual Grant in Aid (GiA) income received from SG and Northern Ireland (NI), and subsequent award payments, ILF Scotland have an award surplus year to date of £1,048,912.
Administration Budget 2017/18
The budget for the year is £1,885,962 with respect to all expenditure, therefore including capital. ILF Scotland has SG approval to spend £1,430,000 plus a further authorisation to spend £450,000 from unspent GiA. Therefore, giving ILF Scotland a total budget of £1,880,000. This leaves a small overall shortfall of £5,962.
Administration Costs & Forecast 2017/18
As can be seen from the summary of administration costs, there are costs year to date of £1,386,855. This is in line with the budget of £1,411,971.
Transition Fund
Administration Budget 2017/18
ILF Scotland have received £380,000 from SG with regard to the Transition Fund, however it was noted that the submission was for £409,000. ILF Scotland also asked for £154,802 for a Transition Fund Operational Budget, however after recent discussions with the SG, it was stated that the GiA for the Transition Fund has to cover all administration costs.
Following recent discussions with Health Finance, Beatriz alerted the Board that there may be a further reduction to the GiA budget of around £500,000 due to the forecasted surplus to ensure reserves do not continue to build up.
A substantive discussion developed around all areas of the management accounts with Alan Dickson (Alan) commenting that he was reassured of the healthy finance position of ILF Scotland to date.
The Board approved the Management Accounts to December 2017.
4. Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) Report incl:
Risk Register (RR)
Medium Term Forecast
(Refer to paper)
Alan introduced the draft ARC minute, and papers highlighting the areas discussed on 15th January 2018.
Risk Register
Alan highlighted the detailed discussion of moving risks and endorsed the updated reporting systems.
Fiona O’Donnell (Fiona) queried the financial impact in relation to increased employment costs of assessors moving from freelance to contracted employment status. Peter confirmed this is being managed through our monthly management accounts and forecasting and will be fully factored into the 2018/19 budget.
The Board reiterated its commitment to ensure staff pension equality in relation to other NDPB’s. The Chair reassured the Board that the Remuneration Committee are working on this and will report back.
ACTION 4: The Chair requested a specific Pension risk be considered for the risk register (Harvey Tilley).
ACTION 5: Nadeem to amend risk register summary table to include a short description of the risks to support the Boards understanding.
Risk: 1 IT was discussed and considered in detail regarding the forthcoming cyber security and new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) changes. The Board also considered the possibility of cyber espionage and further emphasised commitment to support ILF Scotland’s implementation of change to infrastructure, processes and protocols. There is an expectation that ILF Scotland will be fully accredited as a Cyber catalyst by October 2018.
Further cyber training was discussed and agreed for the Board and the Board Cyber Champion- Liz Humphreys (Liz).
ACTION 6: Harvey/Liz to identify further appropriate cyber security training.
Further discussions ensued regarding the necessity to appoint a Data Protection Officer to implement and monitor GDPR. The Board endorsed the approach to appoint an external professional until an internal member of staff is fully trained (as part of their role) to deliver GDPR.
Fiona expressed interest in attending any future appropriate GDPR training.
The Board requested a paper be presented on approach to, and implications of, IT, cyber security and information governance developments.
ACTION 7: Harvey to present IT, cyber security and information governance paper by October 2018.
Alan explained the recent ARC Self-Assessment process. The Board articulated interest in finding a similar toolkit for Boards.
ACTION 8: Peter to identify a toolkit to support the Board Self-Assessment.
Medium Term Forecast
Peter introduced the paper updating on the changed approach since the ARC on 15th January.
The two forecasts were discussed and considered in detail. The first includes the implications of SLW application to all overnight support only, while the second also includes Policy 4 (Available Income) reform. Peter reminded the Board of the forthcoming policy review amendments and the further proposals to reduce Available Income contributions for recipients. It was noted that this may require an increase in GiA from SG in future years, depending on how the key assumptions outlined in the forecasts materialise.
Susan endorsed the paper and Option 2 and reiterated the need for change to ensure life improves for disabled people in the future, and reminded the Board that what matters for disabled people is the outcome.
The Board supported the position of the CEO in putting forward and finding a path to reduce Available Income contributions in the future. The board also acknowledged the degree of financial risk to Scottish Government from this approach, but agree that it is in the best interests of disabled people and supports the Scottish Government ambition of reducing poverty.
The Chair acknowledged that this is a key piece of work, and suggested she and Peter discuss how to fully engage the Board in this.
ACTION 9: Peter and Susan to discuss board involvement in strategic discussions around policy reform.
The Board approved the Audit & Risk Committee Report.
5. Quarterly Corporate Report
(Refer to paper)
Peter spoke to the paper giving a full and detailed overview of the report, highlighting the key activities over the last quarter, focussing on the Transition Fund launched on 20th December 2017.
The Board expressed some concern regarding the small number of applications received to date and also about having to return unspent monies to SG, due to the same.
Following substantive and lengthy deliberation the Board requested an increase in social media presence to more intensively promote and market the Transition Fund to reach a wider young audience as quickly as possible.
Further discussion focussed on the resources applicants were applying for and how they were accessing the applications.
Additional engagement with Skills Development Scotland, career advisors and schools was recommended with successful early adopter’s case studies being advertised as soon as possible.
Consideration to creating an ‘app’ to encourage applications will also be explored.
Robert White (Robert) spoke to the Social Work element of the paper, reporting on the resetting of positive relationship with local authorities and how this work is nearing completion.
Liz suggested clarifying the nature of the calls received through the helpline in the next Corporate Report. Clear distinction should be made between data specific to the 2015 Fund and the Transition Fund.
ACTION 10: Harvey to distinguish data relevant to the two ILF Scotland funds in future reports.
Harvey explained ‘Feedback Forms’ received leads back to the policy change reviews and reiterated the importance of encouraging more recipients and award managers to complete the forms. The Board were advised how the new IT systems will hopefully support an increase in online feedback returns.
The Board were delighted to be advised that ILF Scotland is on the short list for the following awards:
HR - Working Families – Best Public Sector Employer
Finance Innovation – UK Finance Team of the Year
The Board congratulated the staff teams and wished them luck at the awards.
The Board approved the Quarterly Corporate Report to 31st December 2017.
6. MACC’s & PQQ’s
(Refer to paper)
The Chair suggested the Sponsor Team use the above paper as a case study to support the proposal in re-introduce waivers into ILF Scotland policy.
The Board discussed and noted the MACC’s & PQQ’s from 15 October 2017 to 15 January 2018, observing the worries and difficulties ILF Scotland recipients have on a day to day basis to live independent lives.
7. Public Bodies
Refer to Agenda Item 2 - Matters Arising.
8. Health & Safety Report
(Refer to paper)
Aileen McNiven (Aileen) spoke to the paper, updating the Board on the implementation of the Reliance Protect Lone Working protocol.
The Board were reassured by the Health & Safety Report.
9. Directors Register of Interests
(Refer to paper)
The Chair thanked all Board Directors for the timeous submission of the 2018 Declaration of Interest Forms.
The Board noted the Declaration of Interests for 2018.
10. AOB
Scottish Government Framework Agreement (SGFA)
Liz requested a verbal update on the current position of the draft SG Framework Agreement (SGFA).
Beatriz confirmed receipt of the Code of Conduct, Grant in Aid letter and Annual Business Plan which allows matters to proceed. As a priority, Beatriz confirmed she will ensure the SGFA is signed off and a final draft is agreed as soon as possible.
The Board reassured Beatriz that ILF Scotland was complying with the draft framework agreement despite the extended period that it has remained in draft.
ACTION 11: Beatriz to ensure the final draft of SGFA is agreed and signed off as soon as possible.
Sub Committees- Refresh
Following recent discussion the Board agreed to refresh the membership of the ARC and the Remuneration Committee as follows (with immediate effect):
Audit & Risk Committee
Alan Dickson Chair of ARC
Liz Humphreys Vice Chair of ILF Scotland Board
Bridget Sly Board Director
Remuneration Committee
Fiona O’Donnell Chair of Remuneration Committee
Susan Douglas-Scott Chair of ILF Scotland Board
Betty McAtear Board Director
ACTION 12: Aileen to organise the logistics of the refresh.
KPI Board Development Session
Following the recent communication rescheduling the KPI Session/Board Development, a new date is to be confirmed and circulated.
ACTION 13: Harvey/Aileen to identify and circulate new date for KPI Board Development.
Recruitment – Head of Policy
The Board were notified of the approaching retirement and significant loss of Margaret Wheatley as Head of Policy. Details of the recruitment were shared and the Chair agreed to be part of the interview panel due to be held in March 2018.
17. Close. Next Board Meeting Date: Monday 30th April 2018, Fleming B, Scottish Government, 5 Broomielaw, Atlantic Quay, Glasgow.