ILF Scotland

202105 - Scotland Advisory Group Minutes - May 2021 (Easy Read)

Type of document: Scottish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups
ILF Scotland - Recipient Advisory Group Minutes - May 2021 (Easy Read) cover image

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Published: May 31, 2021
A booklet showing minutes and people having a meeting

Advisory Group Meeting Minutes

Monday 24 May 2021

A lady holds up a book with the words Easy Read on it.

Easy Read

The meeting happened on Monday 24 May 2021 from 1.30pm to 3pm.

The meeting happened on Zoom.

Who was at this meeting?

Jim Elder-Woodward
Andy Higgins
Joan Turner
Kate Walsh
Christine Mercer
Jacqueline Walsh
Hugh John Glancy
Lee House (ILF Scotland)
Linda Scott (ILF Scotland)

Who could not come?

Chloe McKee

Nic Reid

Peter Scott (ILF Scotland)

A 3 item list with checkboxes. The first box is ticked with a green tick.

4 Actions from this meeting

  1. Lee will add the charter for involvement to each meeting agenda.
  2. Linda and Jim will look at the Terms of Reference before the next meeting.
  3. Lee will share these things from the recipient survey:
    • what it found out
    • the final report
  4. Andy will sort out a way to choose a new Chairperson and a new Vice Chairperson online.

In this document ‘recipient’ means someone who is given money by the Independent Living Fund Scotland.

A female nurse shakes hands with a man in a black shirt.

1. Welcome and Introductions

Jim welcomed everyone.

A booklet showing minutes and people having a meeting

2. The Minutes of the last Meeting

The recipient feedback survey is still being looked at.

3. Any other things we need to talk about

There were no other things to talk about.

4. COVID-19 – vaccines,

sustainability payments and Thank You payments

The vaccine programme is going ok. The Scottish Government have not said anything more about carrying on with the sustainability payments after 30 June 2021.

There is a 5 hundred pound payment called the Thank You payment. The Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) are still deciding how to organise the payments.

Some members are disappointed:

  • that they cannot make this payment to their Personal Assistants yet
  • about how long it has taken

Members talked about telling their local Member of Scottish Parliament (MSP) to ask this question in Parliament.

5. Recipient survey feedback

Firstly the Independent Living Fund Scotland will finish looking carefully at the survey answers. Then Lee will tell the group what was found out.

6. Policy Updates

The Advisory Group sent a letter to the sponsor team about the Independent Living Fund Scotland Available Income charge. The charge has been changed from 83 pounds to 43 pounds each week from 1 June 2021.

The Advisory Group wants there to be no charge at all in the future.

A young man holds a red x card and gives a thumbs down sign. Then three dots to the same young man, a bit bigger this time, holding a sign with a green tick on it and giving a thumbs up.

The Independent Living Fund Scotland has changed Policy 41.

The changes make it easier for recipients to choose how they use the money.

The Independent Living Fund Scotland has looked at all the policies for both the funds.

The policies are now:

  • up to date
  • easier to understand

7. Your Responsibilities guide and Employer support

The Independent Living Fund Scotland has made some changes to:

  • the guide called Your Responsibilities
  • Employer Support Information Note

These are now on the website.

The Independent Living Fund Scotland will organise some online sessions to talk about these documents. These sessions will be for:

  • recipients
  • people who manage recipients money

8. Review of adult social care

There has been nothing more said about this.

Linda thinks there will be a consultation later to help the Scottish Government decide how to take things forward.

Person sitting crosslegged on a chair. They read a white document.

9. Terms of Reference

The group talked about the changes to the Terms of Reference. These changes were made by the Northern Ireland Stakeholder Group.

Three people behind a desk with blank speech bubbles above their heads.

Members thought that:

  • some of it looked useful
  • people might be put off if it looks too formal

Linda said the group could focus on getting new members once each year.

A group sitting around a table. One person holds up a green paper showing he's voting for something.

10. Choosing a new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

It is time to choose a new Chairperson and a new Vice Chairperson. Linda asked everyone to think about who they would like to choose.

Three people behind a desk with speech bubbles above their heads. The middle bubble reads 'Any Other Business?

11. Any other business

Lee asked everyone if they were happy to have their email address in group mail outs.

He asked them to send him an email to tell him.

12. Dates of the next meetings

The next meetings will be on:

  • Monday 23 August 2021
  • Monday 22 November 2021
  • Monday 21 February 2022
  • Monday 23 May 2022

All the meetings will be from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

Indian lady in wheelchair waving and smiling

This is the end of the Minutes.

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