Following the Scottish Government’s commitment to provide a further £5 million a year to open ILF to new recipients, work is currently underway to develop the process for new applications to the Fund, together with the award criteria.
The policy for the new scheme has been developed in co-production by the ILF Working Group (which consists of disabled people, those from disabled people’s organisations, carers and local authority representatives).
The Group ensured that they engaged widely with a number of stakeholders, including disabled people and carers. During the Summer of 2016, ILF Scotland held 11 stakeholder events, across Scotland, to hear the views of these stakeholders and for them to help shape the policy for the new scheme.
Since then, the ILF Working Group have submitted a final report and recommendations, which are currently with Ministers for consideration. Ministers plan to consider all evidence submitted, with a view to taking forward the commitment to extending the vital support that ILF offers to increasing numbers of disabled people.