The charity ARC Scotland is inviting people with support needs in Scotland to join the National Involvement Network, offering free membership.
Catherine Dempsey, Project Manager, Arc Scotland, says: “Members will get regular info on NIN meetings and issues that might interest them, and hear about ways to have their voice heard. They’ll meet new people, and have chance to share experiences and learn from each other. They will be able to vote on NIN decisions, share what matters to them, and influence change.”
Sign up and get more details on NIN membership on the ARC Scotland website.
If you’d like a paper copy of the application form, please email ARC Scotland on: or call Diane on: 07498 470 223.
NIN launched the Charter for Involvement with the aim of supporting people who want to be involved and have a say about the services they receive, the organisations that provide their services, and their wider communities. You can read more information here.
ILF Scotland signed NIN’s Charter for Involvement in 2018, committing to implementing the Charter’s 12 guiding statements to enhance the direct involvement of our grant recipients. ILF has since worked with our stakeholders to co-produce an action plan that sets out how we will put the Charter statements into practice in our organisation.
Download: Charter for Involvement Action Plan April 2021 (Word document)