ILF Scotland are pleased to inform recipients that the Northern Ireland Department of Health has agreed that we can increase the minimum hourly rate of pay for Personal Assistants from £9.50 to £10.42 from 1 April 2023. This is line with the UK Government’s decision to increase the National Minimum Wage to £10.42 per hour from that same date.
If the existing ILF hourly we pay in your award is less than £10.42, we will increase this to £10.42 and will backdate this to 1 April 2023. You will receive a small lump sum payment for the backdated period, followed by a new increased regular payment. This will allow you to pay your Personal Assistants an hourly rate of at least £10.42 per hour. You must pass this increase onto your Personal Assistants.
Please contact your Payroll Agency to ask them to pay your Personal Assistants the increased rate of pay from 1 April 2023, along with any backdated increase due.
We will apply this increase automatically, so you do not have to contact us but if you have any questions regarding this uplift, or if your circumstances have changed, please contact an ILF Scotland Specialist Caseworker on 0300 200 2022 or email