ILF Scotland

20230425 - Board Meeting Minute - 25 April 2023

Type of document: Board Reporting
Front page of the Board Meeting Minute from 25 April 2023

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Published: October 19, 2023


Independent Living Fund Scotland: Board Meeting
Video Conference
Tuesday 25 April 2023 ~ 11:00am – 1:00pm


Susan Douglas-Scott, CBE - Chair, Board Director
Alan Dickson - Board Director
Liz Humphreys - Vice Chair, Board Director
Mark Adderley - Board Director
Anne-Marie Monaghan - Board Director
Betty McAtear - Board Director
Étienne d’Aboville - Board Director


Linda Scott - Director of Policy, Improvement and Engagement

In Attendance

Peter Scott - Chief Executive Officer
Harvey Tilley - Chief Operating Officer
Jim Maguire - Finance Director
Paul Hayllor - Director of Digital and Information Services
Robert White - Director of Self Directed Support
Aileen McNiven - Head of Business Services (Secretariat)

Welcome, declarations of interest and apologies

Susan Douglas-Scott (Susan) welcomed everyone ahead of opening formal business for the 30th ILF Scotland Board Meeting.

Declarations of Interest (DoI)

No Declarations of Interest received.

1.   Minutes of Previous Meeting (refer to paper)

The Board approved the Board Minute of 31 January 2023.

2. Matters Arising

Shortened Hours Working Week – refer below to item 5 of the minute.

Action 5 (BD 31 Jan 2023): Peter updated that he awaits a response to the letter sent (February 2023) seeking clarity about the strategic direction of ILF Scotland. Peter expects that the Sponsor Team require formal notification from the Minister with responsibility for ILF Scotland before a response will be forthcoming.

ILF Scotland is still waiting on clarification of who our new Minister will be.  The Board expressed concern that we still do not have clarity several weeks after the new Ministerial roles were announced.  Susan agreed to raise this matter in writing with Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care.

Action 1: Susan to write to Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care, highlighting the importance for ILF Scotland, a NDPB owned by and accountable to Scottish Ministers, knowing which Minister has responsibility for the organisation. 

Post meeting note – it was confirmed shortly after the meeting that ILF Scotland’s new Minister is Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport. 

3. Chairs Introductory Remarks

Susan remarked that it was great to see everyone in person at the recent development session, stating it was an excellent and constructive day, reconnecting in person.

Susan spoke of the period of significant change in Scotland with the appointment of a new First Minister and Ministerial team. It is ILF Scotland’s expectation that Maree Todd will be the new Minister for ILF Scotland, however this has not been confirmed. Peter wrote to the Sponsor Team seeking clarification on 02/04/23 and after initially indicating it would be Ms Todd we have been advised this is yet to be confirmed. 

ILF Scotland continues to have stagnation in NI with no immediate prospect of the Assembly reconvening.  We all understand that the implications of this for the prospects of reopening the fund are not good. 

Finally, Susan acknowledged these are very tough times for disabled people across Scotland and Northern Ireland.  ILF Scotland recipients continue to be disproportionately impacted by the wider challenges facing social care, and society more generally.  Susan confirmed those matters will be discussed in more detail during the meeting. 

4. Annual Executive Summary & Operational Report 2022-23 (refer to paper)

Harvey Tilley (Harvey) introduced the paper highlighting the difficult and challenging year it has been for disabled people across Scotland and Northern Ireland (NI). This is largely due to the cost-of-living crisis, recruitment of PA’s and social care staff, and continuing pandemic related issues.

Harvey spoke to the paper highlighting the following key points:

  • The Transition Fund (TF) has had a record-breaking year with applications up 40%.
  • 2022-23 has been a successful year, despite the challenges, with 21 out of 23 key objectives achieved.
  • ‘Thank you’ / special recognition payments to PAs in Scotland and Northern Ireland concluded successfully on behalf of the two administrations.
  • Transformation work well underway to replace ‘ICI’ (review and awards platform).
  • Positive key policy changes in Northern Ireland (Available Income and Maximum Award for Group 1 and 2).
  • Awarded a top 10 place in the Working Families Benchmarking Award’s 2022-23.
  • Health & Wellbeing initiatives continue to be implemented with sickness rates reported as falling slightly (4.72%) from 2020-21 (5.02%) and 2021-22(5.02%) rates.
  • Review visits are currently running at two thirds of the pre-Covid rate. This is largely due to increasing complexity of issues as we continue to exit the pandemic. The Self-Directed Support (SDS) team are reviewing the current model and looking at solutions to further support disabled people across Scotland and Northern Ireland.

A brief discussion developed regarding the direction of the proposed National Care Service. Etienne d’Aboville (Etienne) suggested that a committee map is created to identify staff who attend each National Care Service/SDS/Social Work committee.

Action 2: Robert to create and circulate a committee map of staff attendance at National Care Service/SDS/Social Work meetings.

The Board congratulated the team on a successful year notwithstanding the challenges and increasing workloads year on year.

Action 3: Peter to pass on the Boards thanks and congratulations to all staff for another successful year achieved through hard work and commitment.

The Board noted the Annual Executive Summary and Operational Report 2022-23.

5. Audit Committee Report (refer to papers 5 – 5e)

Audit & Risk Committee - verbal update from Alan Dickson (Alan)

Alan updated the Board on the recent Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) meeting on 17 April 2023 highlighting the key areas of discussion:

  • Grant in Aid 2023-24 letter received confirms ILF Scotland is fully funded for the 2015 Fund (Scotland & NI), Transition Fund and Administration budgets in 2023-24. The Board noted positively that this is the 1st year ILF Scotland has been fully funded.
  • The ARC was reassured with the current Internal Audit plan, actions and follow up from our internal auditors, Henderson Loggie.
  • Alan spoke of his confidence in the External Audit Plan following recent communication with the Audit Scotland team (External Auditors).
  • Alan updated on his attendance at a NDPB Audit Committee Chairs conference which discussed environmental auditing. Alan suggested that he would discuss this in more detail at a future ARC meeting.

Management Accounts to March 2023 (refer to paper)

Jim spoke to the recently scrutinised Management Accounts and Finance Commentary (Audit & Risk Committee) advising on the key points covering the award funds and administration budgets to the year-end position (March 2023).

The Board discussed the increase in unspent monies received over 2022-23 with Jim explaining it is very difficult to identify outstanding unspent monies. Audit Scotland have raised the issue of outstanding unspent monies with the finance team, with Jim offering clarity on the full process. Further discussions with Audit Scotland are due 26 April 2023 and it is expected that going forward they will be treated on an accrual basis rather than a cash basis. 

Further discussion developed on the unspent monies process. Jim will also consider whether further resource is needed to manage the unspent monies process. 

The Board noted the Management Accounts to March 2023.

5a.           Grant in Aid (GiA) 2022-23 (POST ABR)

Jim spoke to the GiA letter noting an underspend in 2022-23 of £5m being returned to Scottish Government. It was noted that ILF Scotland tried to utilise the monies for Available Income or Re-opening, as requested by the Advisory Group, however this was not approved.

Susan concluded it is essential to spend the full budget on disabled people in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The Board noted the Grant in Aid 2022-23 (POST ABR) letter.

5b.           Grant in Aid 2023-24 (refer to paper 5a and 5b)

Jim introduced the GiA letter for 2023-24 explaining that ILF Scotland will be fully funded for 2023-24 for the first time.

The Board welcomed this positive news, congratulating Jim and the Finance team for their hard work in securing the £53.4m for 2023-24.

The Board noted the GiA letter 2023-24.

5c.           Risk Register (refer to paper 5c)

Paul Hayllor (Paul) spoke to the recently scrutinised Risk Register (Audit & Risk Committee – 17 April 2023) advising on the key risk changes.

The declared Grant in Aid risk has reduced as ILF Scotland is fully funded for 2023-24.

Serious concerns were raised by Paul regarding a new and significant risk for the Transition Fund, LA portal and potential future work (e.g., re-opening and Care Experience Grant). Currently the TF and LA portals are managed through the SG data centre.

Paul was notified last week that the SG data centre will no longer be supported after 31 December 2023.

SG have no planned replacement to host the TF/ LA portal requiring ILF Scotland to find their own workable solution in a very short timescale.

Paul also added that the use of ICI may be affected by this as the data centre sync’s ICI with the TF and LA Portal.

The Board noted that further work being discussed with SG (e.g. re-opening and Care Experience Grant) also relied on the ability to use the data centre. ILF Scotland had previously confirmed their ability to deliver new work based on having access to the data centre.

It was explained by Harvey that it normally takes 2 years to procure, develop and test new platforms. Harvey also acknowledged there is no expertise within ILF Scotland to move the portal to a Cloud based solution.

The Board noted the potential need to request additional funding and resource to manage this risk.

The Board acknowledged this as a significant risk with financial and operational impact. Susan offered the full support of the Board and asked the team to try to find and share an outline solution via the ARC as a matter of urgency. The risk should be escalated to ‘very high’.

Action 4: Paul and Harvey to work with SG with a view to developing an outline solution to replace the SG Data Centre to host TF and LA Portal which also synchronises with ICI, keeping the ARC informed of any developments.

Liz Humphreys suggested the strategic risks should be reviewed during the forthcoming Risk Management session.

Action 5: The meeting agreed a Strategic Risk review should be on the agenda.

The Board noted ‘with concern’ the Risk Register.

5d.           Annual Efficiencies – Q4 (refer to paper 5d)

Paul introduced the paper.

The Board welcomed the efficiencies with discussion focussing on the Transition Fund, Local Authority (LA) portal and staff. Paul noted that the technology efficiencies support and enable disabled people, stakeholders, and staff.

Susan welcomed the update on the efficiencies praising the teams for their great work.

The Board noted the Annual Efficiencies 2022-23 paper.

5e.           Information Governance Dashboard – Q4 (01 January 2023-31 March 2023) (refer to paper 5e)

Paul introduced the paper informing the meeting there have been no reportable information related incidents in the last 12 months.

Paul concluded by informing the Board of the recent ‘resilience exercise’. A positive outcome was reported with good organisation wide learning.

The Board noted the Information Governance Dashboard which had been scrutinised fully at the recent Audit & Risk Committee.

6.  Remuneration Committee Report

Verbal Update - Mark Adderley

Mark Adderley (Mark), Chair of Remuneration Committee, updated the Board on the key points discussed during the meeting on 31 March 2023.

  • Staff Survey: Following scrutiny during the meeting, the 2022-23 Staff Survey was confirmed as being circulated w/c 24 April 2023. The survey will be live for up to 4 weeks. Mark reported that last years return rate was 85%, which was acknowledged as exceptional. The team however aspire to increase this for the 2022-23 survey.
  • Industrial Action regarding the 2022-23 Pay Policy continues. No operational disruption has been reported within ILF Scotland. The Board noted the small numbers who are PCS members. Possible disruption will be monitored during the next planned strike date due on 28 April 2023.
  • Pay Policy: As an analogued NDPB, ILF Scotland awaits notification of the final Finance Pay Policy 2023-24. The Board noted the initial complex Pay Policy proposal which has yet to be agreed with Scottish Government and the Unions.
  • Shortened Hours Working Week: Submission to the Scottish Government Sponsor Team and Finance Pay Policy Team of the approved Board paper -’35 Hour Working Week’ was made on 31 Jan 2023. The submission has not been approved with further information requested via a business case. This will be collated and submitted in due course.

The Board noted the verbal Remuneration Committee update.

Anne-Marie Monaghan (Anne-Marie) and Betty McAtear (Betty) submitted their apologies and left the meeting.

7. Draft Strategic Outcomes 2023-25 and Business Plan 2023-25

Paul introduced the paper which was developed, scrutinised, and discussed at the recent development session.

Peter referred the meeting to the ‘Pre-Submitted Comments & Questions’ paper for responses to pre-submitted questions from Betty McAtear regarding Priority 1.

Action 6: Paul to update with the following change:

  • Strategic Outcome 1, bullet point 4 to “the rights of disabled people”.
  • Strategic Outcome 2, bullet point 1 to “Any future decision to expand ILF Scotland is supported by a comprehensive and robust evidence base”.

The focus of the discussion was to ensure that the high-level strategic outcomes were underpinned with appropriate and realistic business plan activities which will be delivered over the next 2 years.

The Board approved the Strategic Outcomes 2023-25 and Business Plan 2023-25.

8.  Mainstreaming & Equalities Outcome, Summary of Progress, 2022-23

The Board noted the Mainstreaming & Equalities Outcome, Summary of Progress 2022-23.

9. Charter for Involvement, Summary of Progress, 2022-23 (refer to paper)

The Board noted the Charter for Involvement, Summary of Progress 2022-23.

Anne-Marie Monaghan re-joined the meeting.

10.   Corporate Parenting Plan, Summary of Progress, 2022-23 (refer to paper)

Peter referred the meeting to the ‘Pre-Submitted Comments and Questions’ paper for responses to pre submitted question from Betty McAtear.

The Board noted the Corporate Parenting Plan, Summary of Progress 2022-23.

11. Health & Safety Report (refer to paper)

The Board noted the Health & Safety Report (01 January 2023-31 March 2023). Susan thanked Aileen and the team for a reassuring report.

12. MiCase & PQ’s

Peter spoke to the paper remarking on the increased submissions over Q4.

Mark enquired if the three unanswered written questions submitted to Ministers by Jackie Baillie MSP in March had now been answered? Peter confirmed that these had not yet been answered.

The Board noted the MiCase and PQ’s for Q4(01 January 2023-31 March 2023) commenting on the increased submissions.

Close of Meeting

Next Board Meeting Dates:

Next Audit & Risk Committee: 13:30pm, Monday, 12 June (virtual)

Next Full Board Meeting: 11am, Tuesday, 27 June 2023 (virtual)

Next Remuneration Committee: 11am, Monday, 09 October 2023 (venue to be confirmed)

Next Board Development Day: 1:00pm, Monday, 09 October 2023 (venue to be confirmed)

Action Points:

Action 1: Susan to write to Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care, highlighting the importance for ILF Scotland, a NDPB owned by and accountable to Scottish Ministers, knowing which Minister has responsibility for the organisation.
Action by: Susan
Timescale: Immediate
Action: Complete

Action 2: Peter/Robert to create and circulate a committee map for staff who attend National Care Service/SDS/Social Work meetings.
Action by: Peter / Robert
Timescale: June 2023
Action: Complete

Action 3: Peter to pass on the Boards thanks and congratulations to all staff for another successful year achieved through hard work and commitment.
Action by: Peter
Timescale: May 2023
Action: Complete

Action 4: Paul and Harvey to work with SG with a view to developing an outline solution to replace the SG Data Centre to host TF/ LA Portal which also synchronises with ICI, keeping the ARC informed of any developments.
Action by: Paul / Harvey
Timescale: Immediate
Action: Ongoing

Action 5: The meeting agreed a Strategic Risk review should be on the agenda of the forthcoming Risk Session.
Action by: Paul / Nadeem
Timescale: August 2023
Action: Risk Session date to be identified and confirmed in due course

Action 6: Paul to update with the following change:
Strategic Outcome 1, bullet point 4 to “the rights of people with disability”.
Strategic Outcome 2, bullet point 1 to “Any future decision to expand ILF Scotland is supported by a comprehensive and robust evidence base”.
Action by: Paul
Timescale: Immediate
Action: Complete

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