Thursday 21 December, via Zoom
Jim Elder-Woodward welcomed everyone to the meeting. Everyone agreed to Lee recording the meeting.
Minutes agreed and signed off. Lee to pass to communications team to be uploaded to ILF Scotland website.
Actions from previous meeting
Anne-Marie Monaghan introduced herself to the Advisory group and advised on her new role as chair of the board.
Contingency funds – a meeting has been set up in early 2024 with the ILF Scotland assessors to discuss guidance.
Jim asked Peter if there was an answer to the question of how any underspend of the money from the UK Government that is allocated for ILF Scotland for disabled people in Scotland was spent. Peter advised Jim that that ILF Scotland draws down the money that it needs to spend from the Scottish Government and that this might not always be the full budget allocation in any one year. Peter confirmed the commitment to abolish care charges from the Scottish Government.
Gordon advised the group that he felt it would be worth writing to the Scottish Government about abolishing the charges.
Peter has asked we invite Maree Todd to the next meeting in 2024 to address these questions raised.
Peter acknowledged that the Advisory Group was instrumental in the 2015 fund re-opening. The letters and meetings with various ministers were key in re- decision.
The fund will re-open in April 2024 with an initial investment of 9 million pounds. Work has begun on bringing new staff on board along with system and policy work. Consultation events have started and a few Advisory Group members attended the first co-production event at Murrayfield in Edinburgh. All the minutes from the event are now uploaded to the website with all the details of the future events in January and February.
Finbarr Fitzpatrick gave a presentation on the 2015 Fund evaluation. The key aspects mentioned was that ILF Scotland was an enabler for independent living outcomes including socialisation and hobbies. There were key points made about a pathway to education and healthy relationships. SROI calculations found that for every £1 spent £12 to £13 was generated in social value.
Harvey Tilley joined the meeting at 2.40pm
Harvey advised the group that the Scottish Parliament has been booked for the 28 March, 5.30pm to 7.30pm for the re-opening celebration event. We have confirmed rooms at the Village Hotel in Edinburgh for people staying over before the event and for the Joint Stakeholder group meeting with dinner afterwards. Harvey advised that we should discuss the agenda with Jim and finalise.
Harvey Tilley left the meeting at 2.52pm
Justina asked if anyone had a PA that was a member of the union to which the reply was none.
Peter advised that the PA network was gaining interest from the Scottish Government and was looking to expand.
Anne-Marie Monaghan advised that a lot of work has been completed around the Scottish PA network and they are trying to establish a place where a PAs can get together. There is also a hope that a discount card system will be set up to support PAs.
Lee will send out in the advance the dates for 2024.