Thursday 29 February 2024, 11am to 3pm
The Mount Conference Centre and via Zoom
David welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Lee advised of the fire exits.
The Group approved the previous meeting’s minutes. ILF Scotland’s Communications Team will upload to the website.
Actions from previous meeting
David referred to Item 8 and explained that Disabled People’s Organisations were returning to Geneva, Switzerland for the UK Government Session with the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on Monday, 18 March 2024. He added that the NI Representatives were Michael Lorimer, who met with us at our last Meeting, Tony O’Reilly, who had been a speaker for us at our joint Gathering in Stormont in 2019, and two other disabled people, both wheelchair users. Robert asked whether it would be available to watch online or on TV. David replied that he would check and let him, and the other Members of the Group know.
David asked that Items 7 (Disabled People’s Organisation Proposal) 11 (PA Training Programme) 13 (Terms of Reference) and 14 (Membership) be carried forward to our next Meeting, to allow sufficient time to discuss especially arrangements around our Joint Gathering in Edinburgh Scotland. All Members agreed this.
Carried forward to next meeting.
Harvey advised the group of the latest update with the re-opening in Scotland and the work currently being completed to open on the 1 April 2024. He advised that six co-production events have taken place in person and online. The feedback from these events has been collated and a report is currently being produced for submission to the Minister. Harvey advised that ILF in Scotland is on track to re-open in April 2024.
Harvey noted that the Government in Northern Ireland has been formed and that the budget process is currently ongoing and will be confirmed shortly. Once the budget is complete, a submission will go to the Minister from the Sponsor Team to re-open the Fund in Northern Ireland, hopefully within the next 4 to 6 weeks. If approved, we would then undertake co-production events across Northern Ireland similar to the process followed in Scotland.
David advised the Group that he has sent a letter to the Minister inviting him to join us and speak at the Joint Stakeholder Event in Edinburgh at the end of March. David will share the response with the Group once received. David mentioned that there was a worry that the budget would only be sufficient to support one year of re-opening from the Government. Harvey advised that Colin Dunlop discussed this with him and is confident this should not affect the re-opening and budgets would be reviewed on a yearly basis.
Harvey advised the Stakeholder Group that a large amount of work has taken place with a set agenda agreed, and accommodation being arranged for guests. The final preparations are ongoing with individual members on travel and food requirements. The presentations are complete, and we are waiting for some final notes from both Ministers in preparation for the event. Harvey re-iterated that the event is not a re-opening launch but rather celebrating a life with purpose. Harvey ran through the agenda and discussed the event at Holyrood.
Harvey advised that the review visits have been slightly delayed across Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Assessor team are working to address this. PA recruitment and cost of living is still a challenge at review visits.
Harvey advised that ILF Scotland have taken on new staff for now and the future re-opening.
Harvey advised that Policy 38 has now been signed off by both the Scottish and the NI Government and ILF Scotland has published it on its website.
Harvey then went on to talk about payment for managing awards. As this has implications across the Health and Social Care landscape, we (ILF Scotland) are unable to do this in isolation. The feedback from Government, is this is not on the agenda as the costs would be prohibitive at this time.
Caroline asked Harvey to confirm if we can be paid for attending meetings. Harvey replied that ILF can cover all reasonable costs including travel, food and additional caring costs but are unable to pay for attendance. The reason for this is it would impact across Government in every forum where lived experience is asked for (not just limited to Health and Social Care). From a Governmental perspective, this is not something that at present could be supported even for ILF Scotland in isolation. Harvey added that ILF Scotland will continue looking at any possibilities of doing this within its current structures and will report back as and when any progress is made.
Carried forward to next meeting.
Tuesday 28 May 2024