ILF Scotland

20180625 - Board Meeting Minute - 25 June 2018

Type of document: Board Reporting

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Published: June 25, 2018


Independent Living Fund Scotland: Board Meeting

ASH, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Livingston, EH54 6GA

Monday 25th June 2018 11:00am – 2:55pm


Susan Douglas-Scott                             Chair, Board Director

Liz Humphreys                                      Vice Chair, Board Director

Betty McAtear                                       Board Director

Fiona O’Donnell                                    Board Director

Twimukye Mushaka                               Board Director


Alan Dickson                                         Board Director

In Attendance

Peter Scott                                           CEO

Harvey Tilley                                            Chief Operating Officer

Jim Maguire                                          Finance Director

Steve Cartwright                                   External Audit, Henderson Loggie

Ryan Cuzen                                          Transition Fund recipient (from 12:45pm-1:15pm)

Julie Cuzen

Aileen McNiven                                      Executive Business Manager (Secretariat)

Welcome, declarations of interest and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the ILF Scotland Board meeting.

Susan Douglas-Scott (Susan) informed the Board of the resignation of Bridget Sly (Bridget). Bridget resigned on 9th June, due to a conflict of interest following her recent appointment to a new role within the Scottish Government (SG). Susan thanked Bridget for her hard work and diligence over the last 2 ½ years and wished her well in her new role.

There were no individual declarations of interest expressed with the following caveat:  

Susan requested her new role as Chair of the Golden Jubilee Foundation be a permanent Declaration of Interest.

Apologies were noted from Alan Dickson.

1.   Minutes of Previous Meeting

The ILF Scotland Board approved the Board Minute of 30 April 2018 as an accurate account of the meeting with the following amendment:

Pg. 3, Item 3, Para 5, First Line: change ‘mindful’ to ‘minded’

2.   Matters Arising

The following points were noted:

  • NDPB Status: The application submission is progressing to become a Non Departmental Public Body (NDPB) and has now been to Her Majesty’s Treasury Classification Board for a decision. ILF Scotland awaits the outcome, which will be circulated in due course.
  • The Stakeholder Group (Scotland), Susan and Peter Scott (Peter)  met with Aileen Campbell, Minister of Public Health & Sport to discuss policy submissions made in January 2018 and current issues affecting recipients of the ILF Scotland 2015 Fund.  No formal commitments were made during the meeting; however civil servants have been tasked with gathering further information for the Minister to allow an informed decision to be concluded.
  • Board Fees: Harvey Tilley (Harvey) confirmed a Board Fees paper and business case (with regard to a requested change to Board fees) will be formally submitted to the next Remuneration Committee and Board.

          Harvey explained the Scottish Government (SG) process for formal submission in
         detail, and referenced the length of time it may take to complete.

          ACTION 1: Harvey to complete a formal Board Fees paper and business case,
     thereafter presenting at the next Remuneration Committee and Board ahead of
         formal submission to SG Sponsor Team.

  • ‘Charter for Involvement’ (see Board Minute of 19th October 2017): Peter advised the Board the Charter for Involvement is now ready for sign off. The Board requested the Stakeholder Group be invited to join the Board at the next Board Meeting on 15th October 2018 to jointly sign this off.

          ACTION 2: Peter to invite the Stakeholder Group to join the Board on 15th
        October 2018 for lunch and thereafter to jointly sign off the ‘Charter for Involvement.’

  • Cyber Security Training for Leaders: Harvey advised that targeted NHS Cyber Security Training had been identified for all Board Directors.

          ACTION 3: Harvey to identify and organise a suitable date in Autumn 2018 for Cyber
       Security Training for all Board Directors.

  • Self-assessment Effectiveness Tool: Susan confirmed a meeting date of 24th July to meet with Aileen to finalise and thereafter circulate the Self-Assessment Effectiveness Tool in advance of the September 2018 Development Day.

3.   Directors Resolution to Reappointment
      (Refer to paper)

Steve Cartwright (Steve), Henderson Loggie (External Auditors) was asked to leave the meeting.

External Auditors – Henderson Loggie

The Board unanimously approved and signed the resolutionto reappoint the External Auditors, Henderson Loggie for a further period of 1 year to cover the 31 March 2019 year end.

Following on from the end of this period it was noted it is likely that Audit Scotland will take over from our current arrangements due to the change in our status from an Other Public Body to a Non Departmental Public Body (NDPB). This will be confirmed through 18/19.

Steve returned to the meeting.

4.   NDPB Model Framework Document
      (Refer to paper)

Peter introduced this paper briefly for information only. He explained it was a standard NDPB contract which would be completed and submitted to the legal advisors to ensure compliance prior to formal submission to the Board and SG.

It was acknowledged the timescale to become an NDPB is unknown, but the Board were assured this work is a priority for the Senior Management Team (SMT) to complete as soon as possible.

Following much debate, including discussion regarding a proposed change to formatting of the Board agenda, ‘Best Value’ and the Whistle Blowing Policy, the Board were content with the draft contract. It was agreed to circulate a copy of the Whistle Blowing Policy to the Board Directors.

ACTION 4: Harvey to circulate the Whistle Blowing Policy to Board Directors.

The Board formally noted the NDPB Model Framework Document and thanked the SMT for the persistence and diligence to this point, acknowledging ILF Scotland continue to work to the unsigned SG Framework Agreement.

5.   Statutory Accounts & Annual Report 2017/18
      (Refer to papers)

Liz introduced the Statutory Accounts and Annual Report stating the Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) had been through the report in fine detail.

Jim led the Board through each section providing a brief overview of the key matters and related financial disclosures.

These matters were further discussed, noting that they had been reviewed in detail by the ARC and Auditors.

The Board approved and signed off the Statutory Accounts and Annual Report 2017/18.

2018-19 Grant in Aid Letter

The Board noted the Letter of Financial Support from the Scottish Government dated 29th March 2018.

Audit Findings Report

Steve spoke to the paper, outlining the content. He advised the Board that there were no qualifications to the accounts, and the auditors had made no amendments to the numbers as presented to them by ILF Scotland.  They received full support and co-operation throughout the audit process.

Detailed discussion and consideration of the audit findings report developed with the Board concluding there is a clear understanding of the findings to year end 31 March 2018.

ACTION 5: The Board requested an amendment to pg. 16 - 4th Column:

From ‘considered but not implemented’ to ‘under consideration’

Letter of Representation

The Board noted and signed off the Letter of Representation.

6.   Quarterly Corporate Report
      (Refer to paper)

Peter introduced the paper with a focus on the Transition Fund (TF) applications and how to ensure young disabled people get a better service.

The Board again discussed the policy changes submitted to the Minister of Public Health and Sport for approval in January. It is anticipated a decision will be received from the Minister soon following recent detailed submissions and contact.

Subsequently the Scottish Living Wage (SLW) implementation is on hold until a decision is made as some recipients will then be pushed over the maximum threshold. This will be addressed if the policy changes submitted are approved.

Harvey explained the new reporting format for the corporate report will evolve over the next year to incorporate KPI’s, metrics and tracking of key tasks. The Board noted the new format and were assured by the developing approach.

Following discussions around internal and external newsletters the Board should feature in forthcoming newsletters to raise awareness of their current work.

ACTION 6: Holly Child, Communications Manager to ensure a feature including the Board in future internal/external newsletters.

Congratulations were offered to the team on receiving the following HR award last week:

-Best Small Employer UK - awarded by Working Families at their recent ‘Best Practice Awards’ ceremony in London.

The Board noted the Quarterly Corporate Report.

Ryan & Julie Cuzen joined the meeting.

The Chair invited Ryan Cuzen (Transition Fund recipient and ambassador), accompanied by his mum Julie,  to chat to the Board about the positive impact the Transition Fund is having on his life following receipt of a Transition Fund Grant.

The Board thanked Ryan and Julie for their talk and stated how impressed they were with the positive impact the fund had on Ryan’s life to date.

Ryan and Julie left the meeting.

Following the talk from Ryan much debate developed. In order to encourage higher numbers of applications the Board advocated additional young ambassadors could conceivably be identified to speak to appropriate audiences across 31 Local Authorities (LA’s) in Scotland.

ACTION 7: Executive team to look at feasibility of appointing young ambassadors to promote the use of the Transition Fund across Scotland.

7.   Digital IT Infrastructure Model
      (Refer to paper)

Harvey introduced the paper, stating it had been submitted to the ARC on 11th June 2018 for scrutiny. 

Due to the significant importance of ensuring ILF’s digital and IT infrastructure is fit for purpose, both currently and in the future, Harvey has been working on a paper recommending a model for ILF. Due to the history in the wider public sector around digital issues Susan asked the Executive team to meet and discuss it with Christopher Wroath Director of Digital for NHS Education for Scotland.  Harvey is due to meet him on 12th July 2018 and the board agreed to wait until after this meeting for final approval.  Harvey will circulate a further draft following this meeting highlighting any changes/improvements/developments.  Susan urged board member to consider these quickly and get back to her with their thoughts and she will co-ordinate and speak with Harvey and Peter and seek board approval electronically.

ACTION 8: Harvey to meet with Director of Digital NHS NES to further examine the draft digital IT infrastructure model, prior to re circulating to the Board for comment and approval.

8.   Audit Committee Report
      (Refer to paper)

Draft Minute – 11th June 2018

Liz referred the Board Directors to the draft minute of 11th June 2018, also stating the ARC continued to be satisfied with the progress in the tracking and recommendations in both internal and external audit.

Risk Register (RR)

The ARC reported little movement overall and were content with the continued approach to risk.

Issues were raised concerning the formatting and printing of the document which made it difficult to read. Susan offered to circulate the NES (Education and training body for NHS Scotland) example of their risk register for comparison and to help reformat the RR document.

ACTION 9: Susan to forward the NES Risk Register to improve accessibility with regard to reformatting.


Risk 3PW: Under – ‘Addressing the Risk via’ column: Add ‘Treat’

The Board noted the Audit & Risk Committee Report.

9.   Management Accounts to May 2018
      (Refer to paper)

Jim spoke to the above paper outlining the key points:

Award Payments

Award Payments Grant in Aid for this new financial year is £44,300,000 and £4,600,000 for the 2015 Fund and Transition Fund respectively in relation to Scotland. For Northern Ireland the amount is £6,850,000. 

Transition Fund payments for the first two months of this financial year amount to £380,821, with £110,821 being paid in May. 

Administration 2015 Fund - Administration Budget 2018/19

Budget for the year is £1,999,437 with respect to all expenditure, excluding capital.  SG approval to spend £1,805,000 plus a further authorisation to spend £150,000 from unspent GiA. 

Administration Transition Fund - Administration Budget 2018/19

Budget for the year is £444,804 with respect to all expenditure, excluding capital. 

Jim informed the Board it was unlikely that the £4.6m Transition Fund would be spent in this financial year due to the low application rate to date. It was acknowledged this is increasing week on week. The Board stated it had a duty to try to spend the fund appropriately and ensure the disabled young people who require the grants most are aware of and can access the fund with ease to support their transitional outcomes.

The Executive Team confirmed they are persistently responding to the above concerns and will continue to raise awareness and encourage applications in as many forums as possible.

The Board noted the Management Accounts to May 2018.

10.     Risk Management Policy (Draft)
           (Refer to paper)

Harvey advised this paper was for information only at this stage and would be developed for submission as a complete package to the ARC in due course.

Board Directors were asked to forward all remarks/observations to Harvey by the end of August.

The Board noted the paper and commented it is overall a good approach to Risk Management.

ACTION 11: Board Directors to forward all remarks/observations to Harvey before 31st August 2018.

11.     MACC & PQQ’s

No MACC’s or PQQ’s submitted during the period 30 April 2018 to 18 June 2018.

12.     Health & Safety Report
           (Refer to paper)

The Board noted with assurance the Health & Safety Report presented.

13. AOB

Draft Committee Meeting Schedule 2019
(Refer to paper)

ACTION 12: Recirculate draft schedule following amendments to coordinate with Board Directors diaries.


Peter was warmly congratulated on receiving the OBE in the 2018 Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2018 for services to disabled people. The Board stated how proud they were of Peter and how deserving he is on being awarded this honour.


Non-Executive Director

Following the resignation of Bridget Sly, Susan advised that this vacancy like all board positions has to be processed through the Scottish Government’s Public Appointments team.  Peter and Susan have advised our sponsor team and Susan will update the Board in due course.

Until further notice Betty McAtear (Betty) will fill the vacancy on the Audit & Risk Committee.

Head of Policy

Peter apprised the Board of the recent appointment of a new Head of Policy who will start at the beginning of August.

14.     Close. 

Next Board Meeting Date:  

Monday 17th September, Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

Remuneration Committee (a.m.)

Development Day (from 12:30 pm)

Monday 15th October 2018, GCiL, 117-127 Brook Street, Glasgow.

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