ILF Scotland

Board Meeting Minute - 23 April 2024

Type of document: Board Reporting

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Published: April 25, 2024


Independent Living Fund Scotland: Board Meeting


Tuesday 23 April 2024  11:00am - 1:30pm


Anne-Marie Monaghan                               Board Chair

Liz Humphreys                                             Vice Chair, Board Director

Étienne d’Aboville                                        Board Director

Betty McAtear           (to 12:30pm)             Board Director

Alison Nicolson                                            Board Director

Kirsty Aird                                                      Board Director


Mark Adderley                                              Board Director

Stephanie Hayle                                          Board Director                                     

In Attendance

Peter Scott                                                    Chief Executive Officer

Harvey Tilley                                                 Chief Operating Officer

Jim Maguire                                                  Finance Director

Paul Hayllor                                                  Director of Digital and Information Services

Linda Scott                                                    Director of Policy, Improvement and Engagement

Robert White                                                Director of Self-Directed Support

Aileen McNiven                                            Head of Business Services

  1. Welcome, declarations of interest and apologies

Anne-Marie Monaghan (Anne-Marie) welcomed everyone ahead of opening the 34th  ILF Scotland Board Meeting.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received by Board Directors:  Mark Adderley and Stephanie Hayle.

28th March 2022

3. Declaration of Interest

    No declarations of interest received.

    4. Chairs Remarks

    • Anne-Marie has met regularly with Peter Scott (Peter) and Board Directors for appraisals, development days and other planning work.
    • A meeting with Maree Todd, Minister for Social Care, Mental Well-being and Sport was held  on 14 March 2024, focussing on the reopening of the fund. Discussion was also around PA registration.
    • Robert White (Robert) and Anne-Marie delivered a presentation as part of a webinar run by the Scottish Commission for Learning Disability(SCLD). The focus was international perspectives and domestic developments.
    • Independent Living Movement: Anne-Marie and a number of representatives from disabled people’s organisations (DPO’s) met the First Minister and raised issues around delays in confirming grant awards, the Human Rights Bill, the disappointment of the NCS and the Verity House agreement, and also the registration of PAs.

      5. Minutes of Previous meeting (refer to Paper 1)

      The Board approved the Board Minute of 29 January 2024 with the following update to

      Action 2 :  Complete

      ACTION 2: Anne-Marie, Liz Humphreys (Liz) and Alison to meet with Peter and other Directors to discuss the next step prior to an additional Board meeting.PeterFebruary 2024Complete via email (AMM to confirm) 

      6. Matters Arising


      7. Action Log

      Anne-Marie explained the new rolling Action Log will capture items to come back to the Board with planned dates.

      ACTION 1: Add- Governance Session for the Board to be confirmed during 2024 – reviewing Board Governance.

      The Board noted the Action Log.

      8. Urgent Matters

      Transition Fund options: Peter reported that although only in week 3 of the financial year the Transition Fund (TF) is oversubscribed with backlogs increasing week on week.

      The team will discuss the options available to allow ILF Scotland to remain within the financial envelope from the Scottish Government with the Sponsor Team.

      The Board discussed the above in detail, noting their concern that there may be much unmet need which has not been identified. Linda Scott (Linda) will again investigate the cost of an independent  evaluation of a Social Return on Investment (SROI) study which would evidence the value of the TF to the Scottish Government.

      The Board noted the urgent matter of the Transition Fund and asked Peter to report back to them in due course.

      ACTION 2: Peter to report to the Board on the discussion with the Sponsor Team and the agreed TF strategy for 2024-25.

      9. Audit & Risk Committee Update (ARC) (verbal update)

      Alison Nicolson (Alison), Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee summarised the ARC meeting focussing on the following key details:

      • At end Feb there was a net surplus of £3m YTD due to unspent monies
      • Scottish Government requested £3m Grant in Aid (GiA) be returned to year end 2023-24.
      • Next year’s GiA has seen a reduction given the levels of unspent monies. This is affordable but carries risk for future years as unspent money is not guaranteed.
      • Key areas exceeding tolerance are all existing within social care recruitment
      • Kirsty Aird (Kirsty) will lead a team to consider thematic grouping across risks.
      • 2 internal audit reports were submitted during Q1. 1. Risk Management & Business Continuity was awarded a good assurance level with no recommendations. 2. Fraud prevention, detection and response had a satisfactory assurance level.
      • Next year’s plan is approved. The Board noted the budgetary control review is being replaced by audit of the 2015 reopening process as a significant change.
      • The interim audit is completed with no significant control weaknesses.
      • The Board approved the revised budget for 2024-25 which is showing a reduction in grant in aid income of £1.2m when compared to the draft presented to the January board meeting.

      The Board noted the verbal update of the Audit & Risk Committee.

      10. Remuneration Committee Update (verbal update)

      Betty McAtear (Betty) summarised the Remuneration Committee meeting focussing on the following key details

      • Employee engagement survey 2023-24 was scrutinised and circulated to all staff
      • The workforce planning 2024-27 is underway with significant work to complete
      • The 35-hour working week has been implemented successfully from 01 April 2024

      The Board noted the Remuneration Committee update by Betty McAtear (Betty)  

      11. Finance Update (Verbal update)

      Jim Maguire (Jim)  introduced the paper outlining the end of year position as outlined in the Audit & Risk Committee update at agenda item 9, confirming full scrutiny by the ARC.

      Jim apprised the Board of the completion of the first draft of the Annual report & Accounts, reporting that Audit Scotland start the annual audit from Monday, 29 April 2024.

      ACTION 3: Jim to circulate the draft Annual report and Accounts 2023-24 to Board Directors for comments. (complete)

      12. Management Accounts to Feb & March 2024 (refer to Paper 3)

        Jim spoke to the recently scrutinised (February) Management Accounts and Finance Commentary (ARC) advising on the key points covering the award funds and administration management accounts to the year-end (March 2024). The Board noted the Management Accounts and Finance commentary to March 2024.

        13. Internal Audit – Annual report (refer to Paper 4a)

          The Board noted the Internal Audit - Annual Report following the Audit & Risk Update at agenda item 9.

          14. Risk Report Summary (refer to paper 5)

            The Board briefly discussed the Risk Report Summary, welcoming the new format.

            Discussion regarding possible reduced GiA for 2025-26 was noted with concern and as a potential future risk.

            ACTION 4: Risk actions to be included for risks exceeding tolerance.

            15. Mainstreaming & Equalities Outcome Report and Action Plan 2024-26 (refer to Paper 6)

              Linda Scott (Linda) spoke to the paper, updating this is the 3rd Mainstreaming & Equalities Outcome Report and Action Plan.

              Linda confirmed that the Equalities Committee, Navigator Law, Stakeholder & Advisory Group and the Young Ambassadors have all been advised on and scrutinised the report. Linda reported there are a few amendments to be made to the language. The final version will be updated with current images before being published by 30th April 2024.

              The Board discussed recipient ‘protected characteristics’ data and agreed the Executive team may consider how this could be collected for new fund applicants to inform future strategy.

              The Board approved the  Mainstreaming & Equalities Outcome Report and Action Plan 2024-26 subject to the changes noted above. The final version will be circulated to the Board.

              ACTION 5: Linda will circulate the final updated published version to the Board.

              16. Charter for Involvement Plan – Summary of Progress (refer to Paper 7)

                Linda spoke to the paper apprising the Charter for Involvement Plan is owned by the Stakeholder and Advisory Groups who work  with ILF staff to identify priorities and actions. The Board noted the Charter for Involvement Plan – Summary of Progress.

                17. Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-26 (refer to Paper 8)

                  Linda reported significant progress has been made in the action plan,  however, will engage with a wider range of stakeholders in the future. This is due to the re-opened fund being available to 16-25 years old. Historically this plan has covered the Transition Fund only.

                  The Board thanked Linda for a great piece of work and approved the Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-26.

                  18. MiCase & PQ’s (refer to Paper 9)

                    Peter spoke to the paper apprising the Board of the submitted questions and answers for the period.     

                    The Board welcomed and noted the submitted MiCase and PQ’s by Mark Griffin MSP and Dame Jackie Baillie MSP, with those questions continuing to highlight the need for continued ILF Funding across Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Board noted the MiCase and PQ’s.

                    19. ILF Fund Reporting  (refer to Paper 10)

                      The fund opened successfully on the 2nd April with the 1st application received on the 3rd April. This has been followed through and is now at the offer stage.

                      Further applications are expected w/c 22nd April (following Easter holidays) with extensive engagement continuing to support LA’s to complete applications on the portal. The Digital and Communications teams have offered 1-2-1 sessions with LA’s to support initial applications.

                      The fund will fully open to all LA’s w/c/ 29th April, with further digital testing in the background.

                      The Board discussed the re-opening at length, debating the risks and future strategies to ensure the award monies reach disabled people across Scotland.

                      Peter apprised the Board that the re-opening co-production group will meet in June to discuss future enhancements including direct citizen led applications. The citizen led applications will be a complex piece of work with the co-production group setting the parameters of how this will look and feel.

                      The Board noted the ILF Fund Report, thanking the staff team for their commitment and hard work.

                      20. National Care Service (verbal update)

                        The Scottish Government have set up an expert legislative advisory group. More than 60 organisations have been chosen by the Scottish Government to help make comprehensive and robust changes to the NCS Bill. The Terms of Reference say it will act as a sounding board and advice-giving body for the government and will focus on stage 2 amendments. The advisory group will run for the entire passage of the Bill.

                        ACTION 6: Anne Marie will circulate the link to the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the group.

                        The Board discussed the Social Care Crisis and how this affects disabled people in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Board agreed to include Social Care Crisis as part of the National Care Service standing agenda item. The Board noted the National Care Service update.

                        ACTION 7: Aileen to include Social Care Crisis as part of the National Care Service standing agenda item (complete)

                        21. Development Day Update (verbal update)

                          The Chair thanked the Board for a successful Board Development Day on 25th March 2024. The next Board Development Day will be held on 23rd September and will include focus on developing the ILF Scotland Strategy 2025-28.

                          22. Annual executive Summary & Operational report (refer to Paper 11)

                          Harvey Tilley (Harvey) outlined some key highlights in the 2023-24 Annual report which included:

                          • Progress made in the Business Plan 2023-25
                          • Sickness absence rates reduced to 3.42% for 2023-24
                          • 2 yearly recipient reviews up to date in Scotland, with a focussed plan in place for Northern Ireland to reach same status

                          The Board noted the extensive work detailed in the Annual Executive Summary , thanking all staff for their commitment and outstanding hard work over 2023-24.

                          23. Health & Safety Report (refer to Paper 12)

                          Aileen McNiven (Aileen) was invited to speak to Paper 12 giving Board Directors reassurance on the Health & Safety operation of the organisation.

                          The Board noted the Health & Safety Report.

                          24. Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy Manual review (refer to Paper 13)

                          The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy Manual was approved subject to minor changes suggested at Appendix A : Pre-submitted Comments & Questions. The updated policy will be circulated for all staff to ‘read and understand.’

                          25. Net Zero Champion Update (verbal update)

                          The Board noted the appointment of Mark and Stephanie Hayle (Steph) as Net Zero Champions. Mark & Steph will work with the staff team to develop the Net Zero strategy and report during the June Board meeting.

                          26. Cyber Security Champion Update (verbal update)

                          The Board noted the appointment of Kirsty Aird (Kirsty) as the new Cyber Security Champion from August 2024. Liz Humphreys (Liz) will stand down as she completes her 8-year term.

                          Kirsty updated on the positive recent high-level meeting with Liz, Paul and Jo Leitch(Jo). Kirsty was apprised of the current work and cyber security strategy, commenting on how impressive the small team are.

                          Anne-Marie formally thanked Liz for her work and valued contribution as Cyber Security Champion over the last years and for supporting a smooth transition. Anne-Marie stated that Liz will be sincerely missed.

                          The Board noted the Cyber Security Champion Update.

                          27. AOCB

                          Board Director Recruitment

                          Anne-Marie updated on the progress to recruit 2 new Board Directors with the process underway. Following the recent Development Day, appraisals and 1-2-1’s, there is a clear understanding of the skills, knowledge and diversity required to ensure the Board is well represented for the future. The Chair will continue to work with the Sponsor Team and Public Appointments Team through the recruitment process.

                          Thank you

                          Anne-Marie sincerely thanked the Executive team and wider staff for their commitment and work over the last year, recognising the pressure they have been working under to re-open the new fund in a short timescale , with business as usual to also manage.

                           Close of Meeting: 1:30pm

                          Next Board Meeting Dates:

                          Next Audit & Risk Committee: 10:30 am, 17 June 2024 (Virtual)

                          Next Full Board Meeting: 11:00am, 25 June 2024 (Howden Park Centre, Livingston)

                          Next Remuneration Committee 11:00am, Monday, 23 September 2024 (Denholm House – Cedar)

                          Next Board Development Day: 1:30pm, Monday, 23 September 2024 (Denholm House –Cedar)

                          Action Point -Action byTimescaleAction
                          ACTION 1: Add- Governance Session for the Board to be confirmed during 2024 – reviewing Board responsibilities and accountabilities.  AileenJune 2024Complete
                          ACTION 2: Peter to report to the Board on the discussion with the Sponsor Team and the agreed strategy for 2024-25.  PeterJune 2024Demand for the Transition Fund relative to available resource was discussed at the Sponsor Team meeting on 9th May and again at a joint meeting with our Sponsor Team and Health Finance on 13th June.  It has been agreed that we will have further discussion at the end of Q1, when we hope to be in a position to determine if additional funds will be available for the Transition Fund from the 2015 fund, utilising our recently agreed ability to transfer resources between funds in response to issues such as this.  This funds transfer is the preferred option, however contingencies are being considered should this not be possible including reducing the weekly permitted spend, further policy revisions, and tightening use of the eligibility framework.  
                          ACTION 3: Jim to circulate the draft Annual report and Accounts 2023-24 to Board Directors for comments. (complete)  JimImmediateComplete
                          ACTION 4: Risk actions to be included for risks exceeding tolerance.  PaulJune 2024Complete – added to Risk Summary
                          ACTION 5: Linda to circulate the final updated published version to the Board .  LindaApril 2024Final version with tracked changes In Huddle with Board papers. Published clean version will be uploaded this week to website.
                          ACTION 6: National Care Service: Anne-Marie will circulate the link to the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the group.  Anne-MarieApril 2024Complete
                          ACTION 7: Aileen to include Social Care Crisis as part of the National Care Service standing agenda item (complete)  AileenJune 2024Complete
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