ILF Scotland

20210427 - Board Meeting Minute - 27 April 2021

Type of document: Board Reporting

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Published: April 6, 2021


Independent Living Fund Scotland: Board Meeting

Video-Conference (COVID 19)

Tuesday 27 April 2021 11:00am – 12:40pm


Susan Douglas-Scott CBE                     Chair, Board Director

Liz Humphreys                                      Vice Chair, Board Director

Alan Dickson                                         Board Director

Betty McAtear                                       Board Director

Étienne d’Aboville                                  Board Director

Anne-Marie Monaghan                          Board Director

Mark Adderley                                       Board Director

Apologies                                            None

In Attendance

Peter Scott                                           Chief Executive Officer

Harvey Tilley                                           Chief Operating Officer

Jim Maguire                                          Finance Director

Paul Hayllor                                          Director of Digital and Information Services

Robert White                                         Director of Self Directed Support

Linda Scott                                           Director of Policy, Improvement and Engagement

Aileen McNiven                                       Head of Business Services (Secretariat)


Lucy Tait                                               Sponsorship Officer, ILF Scotland Sponsorship

Colin Welsh                                              Team Leader, ILF Scotland Sponsorship

Welcome, declarations of interest and apologies

Susan Douglas-Scott (Susan) warmly welcomed everyone to the 22nd ILF Scotland Board Meeting. Susan introduced both Colin Welsh (Colin) and Lucy Tait (Lucy) from the Scottish Government ILF Scotland Sponsorship Team as observers of the meeting.  Colin and Lucy are attending as part of their Scottish Government induction.

Declarations of Interest (DoI)

Etienne d’Aboville declared interest on the subject of the COVID-19 ‘Thank you’ £500 payment for PA’s, should it be discussed.

No additional Declarations of Interest were received out with DoI Register.

Chairs Introductory Remarks

Susan opened the meeting welcoming the Board Directors, Executive Team and observers from the Scottish Government Sponsor Team.

The Chair advised the last 12 months have been the busiest and most challenging period since the inception of ILF Scotland, due to the impact of the global pandemic.  Susan thanked the whole staff team for the hard work over the last year stating how supportive and innovative they have been in the response to the pandemic.

Despite the significantly increased workload arising from our pandemic response, our on-going work to support disabled people in Scotland and Northern Ireland has continued.

Susan spoke with positivity about the future for ILF Scotland following the Feeley Report and the Northern Ireland proposal to re-open and the opportunity to safely meet face to face in the near future.

Thanks were offered to the Board Directors for the timeous submission of comments and questions on the Board papers ahead of the meeting. The paper, with Executive Team responses, was circulated on the evening of 26th April 2021.

1.   Minutes of Previous Meeting (refer to paper)

The ILF Scotland Board approved the Board Minute of 02 February 2021.

2.  Matters Arising

All matters arising included within the agenda.

3.   Annual Executive Summary & Operations Report 2020-21 (refer to papers 3, 3a, 3b and 3c)

Susan invited Peter Scott (Peter) and Harvey Tilley (Harvey) to speak to Annual Executive Summary and Operational Report.

Harvey briefly outlined the Annual Executive Summary and Operational Plan which over the last 12 months has predominantly focused on COVID-19 whilst staying on course to deliver the Strategic Plan 2020-23.

Directors praised the weekly COVID-19 update bulletin which has been in place since February 2020. Acknowledgement was given regarding the hard work and hours to deliver this week on week.

ACTION 1: Further consideration will be given to frequency of the updates and when the COVID-19 updates should discontinue.

Anne-Marie Monaghan (Anne-Marie) congratulated the Executive Team on the successful placement of a Social Work Student from Dundee University during the most recent lockdown.

Following recent contact with the Northern Ireland Sponsor Team, ILF Scotland awaits final decision on the Northern Ireland Fund re-opening.

The Board noted the Annual Executive Summary and Operations Report 2020-21

3a. Business & Recovery Plan 2020-21 (refer to paper)

The Board noted the Business & Recovery Plan 2020-21, recognising the hard work and determination to deliver the objectives during the last 12 months. 

3b. Annual Efficiencies (refer to paper)

Susan invited Paul Hayllor (Paul) to speak to the Annual Efficiencies paper.

Paul introduced the paper which identifies the efficiencies and improvements made during Q4 with an overall review of FY 2020-21 and the COVID operational efficiencies.

Liz Humphreys (Liz) thanked Paul for taking on recent comments regarding efficiency reporting at the recent Audit & Risk Committee.

The Board noted the Annual Efficiencies paper.

3c. Business Plan 2021-23 (refer to paper)

Susan invited Harvey and Paul to speak to the Business Plan 2021-23.

Paul apprised the Board of the new Business Plan 2021-23 drawing attention to the 3 objectives carried forward from the Business Plan 2020-21 and the new objectives for the forthcoming 2 years. Paul thanked Colin Welsh (Colin) from our Scottish Government Sponsor Team for his support in developing the new objectives in line with the National Performance Framework (NPF).

Comments from Board Directors were forthcoming regarding the Business Plan format and set up. Etienne d’Aboville requested the team to experiment with accessibility of the usage of spreadsheets as they are difficult to read in the current format.

ACTION 2: Etienne /Harvey and Paul to meet to discuss the accessibility of the Business Plan and other similar formatted papers.

The Board approved the Business Plan 2021-23.

4. Audit Committee Report (refer to papers 4a and 4b)

Audit & Risk Committee – verbal report

Alan Dickson (Alan) updated the Board of the recent ARC meeting on 14th April 2021 2021 confirming that following scrutiny of all papers submitted there are no areas of concern in relation to the year-end accounts.

Recent Internal Audit reports have been positively received with Alan remarking on the Recruitment and Staff Development audit, which contained no recommendations and reported as ‘Good’. Alan advised that, due to COVID-19 related work pressures, the Committee approved the postponement of the final internal audit for 2020-21, which will be carried forward into the 2021-22 schedule.

The Board noted the Audit & Risk Committee verbal report.

4a. Management Accounts (refer to paper)

The Board noted the Management Accounts to December 2020.

4b. Risk Register (refer to paper)

Paul reported on the recent Risk & Resilience work which is ongoing within the team. The Board noted the rationalisation of the risk register and welcomed the changes.

Peter advised the Board of the tentative date of 14th June 2021 for the next Risk Workshop where the Board will discuss and decide on risk appetite and tolerances. The date will be confirmed in due course.

ACTION 3: Circulate a date for the forthcoming facilitated Risk Workshop for Board Directors.  

The Board noted the Risk Register update.

4c. Grant in Aid (verbal)

Susan invited Jim to update on the Grant in Aid 2021-22 status.

Jim stated ILF Scotland is awaiting written confirmation from the Sponsor Team. However he was able to confirm headline funding following discussion with Scottish Government colleagues.

Awards – 2015 Fund          £42.1m

Awards – Northern Ireland £6.85m

Awards – TF                       £4.8m (incl £500k surplus from 2020-21 and £600k Admin)

Admin 2015                        £2.4m

Admin – Northern Ireland   £350k

Whilst formal notification of Grant in Aid has not yet been received, Jim thanked the sponsor teams for confirming the 2021-22 funding so promptly.

The Board thanked Jim for his verbal update and noted the Grant in Aid 2021-22 update.

5.  Remuneration Committee Report (verbal)

The Chair invited Mark Adderley to inform the Board of the key areas discussed at Remuneration Committee on 29th March 2021.

Mark confirmed the main headline discussions:

 - Public Sector Pay Policy 2021-22 in alignment with Scottish Government   recommendations was approved.

 - 2020-21 Staff Survey launch – April 2021 for 1 month

 - TRICKLE – New TRICKLE App launched which will guage staff mood and signpost to wellbeing offerings

 - Workforce planning update

 - Internal Audit – Recruitment and Staff Development - no recommendations with an overall ‘Good’.

The Board welcomed the positive internal audit report.

Susan thanked Mark for his concise update with the Board noting the Remuneration Committee report.

6. Corporate Parenting Plan (refer to paper)

Susan asked Linda Scott (Linda) to introduce the Corporate Parenting Plan.

ILF Scotland, on behalf of Scottish Ministers, joined many other public bodies in Scotland to become a national corporate parent under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

ILF Scotland, as a listed public authority, has an obligation to create a Corporate Parenting Plan due to the Transition Fund work with young people. ILF Scotland also has a safeguarding role and responsibility through the work with young people aged 16-25 years old.

This first plan outlines six core commitments and an undertaking to review the plan.

The Board discussed the plan, considering the detail and acknowledged the pre-submitted questions. Linda apprised the meeting of the support and guidance the team have received from the ‘Corporate Parenting Plan Team’ in the Scottish Government.

Liz thanked Linda and the team for the detailed and well-structured plan.

The Board approved the Corporate Parenting Plan 2021-2024, confirming annual reviews will be put in place to update the current plan.

7. ‘Charter for Involvement’ Action Plan (refer to paper)

Susan introduced the ‘Charter for Involvement’ Action Plan, recalling the formal signing of the ‘Charter for Involvement’ in 2019. Linda then spoke in detail about the plan and the 12 charter statements included therein.

Co-produced work has been ongoing over the last 18 months with the ILF Scotland Northern Ireland Stakeholder Group, Scottish Advisory Group and ILF Scotland staff to create the action plan. The feedback has informed the direction of travel ensuring it is linked to the strategic objectives.

Liz suggested including a statement in the opening pages outlining the link to the strategic objectives which was agreed to be added to the plan.

ACTION 4: Linda to include a statement in the opening pages to link to the strategic objectives.

Etienne commented that the co-production work should perhaps be emphasised within the action plan.

Linda confirmed the comments will be taken into account with structured annual reviews updating on work completed and include development work and actions.

The Board commended the work of Linda and team in creating the plan commenting on the inclusion and co-production work.

The Board approved ‘Charter for Involvement’ Action Plan subject to inclusion of actions outlined above.

8. Mainstreaming and Equalities Outcome Report (refer to paper)

The Chair invited Linda to speak to the Equalities Outcome Mainstreaming Report.

The Mainstreaming and Equalities Outcome Report 2020-22 is the first report which outlines how ILF Scotland will work to deliver its equalities duties.

ILF Scotland has a statutory duty under the Equality Act to report every 2 years. This report highlights the progress we have made in delivering the 2020-21 equalities outcomes. It also sets out the equalities outcomes for 2021-22 and the actions required to achieve them.

Linda acknowledged the pre-submitted comments from the Board Directors noting they will be taken into account in the final edit.

Liz suggested the following additions

 - Pg. 19, para 7 – to add wording which reflects that ILF Scotland has already started this work.

 - To include in future work that ILF Scotland is an ‘anti-discrimination’ organisation.

Harvey asked all Board Directors to forward any other suggested comments or changes to be forwarded to Linda in the next few days. The report will be published as soon as possible thereafter.

ACTION 5: Linda to include the Board Directors suggested additions in the final report.

The Board commended and approved the report subject to suggested changes from the Board Directors.

9. Health & Safety Report – Q4 2020-21 (December – March)

The Board acknowledged the additional COVID-19 health & safety measures implemented and noted with assurance the Health & Safety report.

10. MiCase & PQQ’s

Nil return

11.   AOB

Social Care Review

No further update on the Social Care Review recommendations. Peter advised that ILF Scotland awaits an update from the new Scottish Government administration following the forthcoming election on 06th May 2021.

Northern Ireland

Peter advised we are currently awaiting an update from the Northern Ireland Sponsor Team. The final proposal is currently sitting with the Permanent Secretary in advance of final submission to Robin Swann, Health Minister for his consideration.

12. Close of Meeting

Important Board Dates:

Next: Risk Workshop: ZOOM: 11:00am 14th June 2021(tbc) (facilitated)

Next: Audit & Risk Committee: ZOOM: 10:30am, 10th June 2021

Next: Board Meeting: ZOOM: 11:00am, Tuesday 29th June 2021

Next Remuneration Committee: ZOOM: 11:00am, Monday 20th September 2021

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