Independent Living Fund Scotland: Board Meeting
Dee, Room 10, the Hilton Glasgow, 1 William Street, Glasgow
Tuesday 29th October 2019 11:00am – 2:30pm
Susan Douglas-Scott CBE Chair, Board Director
Liz Humphreys Vice Chair, Board Director
Alan Dickson Board Director
Betty McAtear Board Director
Étienne d’Aboville Board Director
Anne-Marie Monaghan Board Director
Mark Adderley Board Director (by telephone to 12:30pm)
Fiona O’Donnell Board Director
In Attendance
Peter Scott Chief Executive Officer
Harvey Tilley Chief Operating Officer
Jim Maguire Finance Director
Kim Dams Inclusion Scotland
Paul Ingram Sponsorship Team Leader
Aileen McNiven Executive Business Manager (Secretariat)
Lorraine Denholm HR & Business Support Officer
Sue McLintock Carers Scotland (left Board meeting following presentation of Carer Positive – Level 1 - Award)
Welcome, declarations of interest and apologies
Susan Douglas-Scott (Susan) warmly welcomed all to the 16th ILF Scotland Board Meeting. Susan introduced the two new Board Directors, Étienne d’Aboville (Etienne) and Anne-Marie (Anne-Marie) Monaghan. Susan also welcomed Sue McLintock (Sue) from Carers Scotland.
As above
Declaration of Interest (DoI)
Étienne confirmed his submission of the Declaration of Interest form and requested the following informal DoI’s also be declared:
Étienne also asked to note that as CEO of Glasgow Council of Inclusive Living (GCiL) there may be agenda items when he will declare an interest and will remove himself from the discussion and/or meeting.
The Board noted the Declaration of Interest register.
Chairs Introductory Remarks
Susan opened the meeting by providing an up to date summary of recent work completed, stating it has continued to be a busy year for ILF Scotland with the following noted:
Susan sadly informed the Board of the death of one of ILF Scotland’s Assessors, Chrissie Plastock, who passed away recently whilst on holiday in Italy. Chrissie was a passionate and active advocate for disabled people and will be very sadly missed. Susan confirmed that ILF Scotland had passed on condolences on behalf of the Board. Chrissie’s funeral will take place on 1st November and many staff will be attending to pay their respects to a friend and colleague.
Susan reminded Board Directors to contact Holly Child (Communications Manager) if they intend to attend the Transition Fund event on 4th November 2019.
Carer Positive – Accreditation and Award: Sue McLintock (Sue)
Susan invited Sue to present the Carer Positive award on behalf of Carers Scotland.
The Carer Positive award aims to encourage employers to create a supportive working environment for carers in the workplace. ILF Scotland have reached the first level with a view to applying for Level 2 in the future.
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The ILF Scotland Board approved the Board Minute of 25th June 2019 as an accurate account of the meeting.
2. Matters Arising
Minute of 25 June 2019 – Action Point 1
Susan updated the Board that she has contacted Eleanor Mitchell, Director of Health & Social Care, to arrange a meeting and awaits a response.
ACTION 1: Paul Ingram (Paul) to take forward and request an update from the office of the Director of Health & Social Care.
3. Audit Committee Report
(refer to papers)
Alan Dickson introduced the Audit Committee Report, commenting on key points from the Audit & Risk Committee held on the 22nd October 2019.
The Board noted the approved minute of June 10 - Audit & Risk Committee.
The Board noted the approved minute of August 08 – Audit & Risk Committee.
Alan reassured the Board that the Risk Register is up to date and current, and has been reviewed in detail by the Audit and Risk Committee. The Board noted the Risk Register.
Alan apprised the Board of the current Internal and External Auditor positions, confirming positive appointments of Henderson Loggie as Internal Auditor and the Audit Scotland appointment of Deloitte’s. Alan assured the Board that the Internal Audit Plan is proceeding well and there has been much activity since June 2019.
Jim Maguire briefly updated the Board on the Management Accounts to September 2019 with the following noted:
The Executive Team met with ILF Scotland Sponsor Team and NHS Health Finance on 24th October 2019.
Jim reported that should there be no change to policy the 2019/20 forecasted surplus of approximately £3m will be returned to NHS Health Finance. This included surplus of £2.2m from the 2015 Fund and £800k from the Transition Fund. The NI budget is on track.
At the half yearly reporting period the Administration Budget of £2.6m is on target. NHS Health Finance have approved the use of reserves to fund the Grant in Aid (GiA) Administration budget shortfall.
ACTION 2: Paul to send revised GiA letter to ILF Scotland.
Whilst there was potentially £100k available for capital spend, Jim advised the meeting (with the sponsor team) that realistically only £30k could be usefully spent on laptops in the restricted timescale this financial year. Wider capital needs would require detailed investigation and a thorough business case.
The Board welcomed the commitment of the extra funding and looked forward to the future plan for capital expenditure being submitted to the Board for approval. (For 2020/21)
Discussion ensued based on recent communications regarding the published (by SG) ILF Scotland budget which may be reduced. The Board raised significant concern thereafter agreeing Susan will raise this for discussion when she meets the Director of Health & Social Care.
ACTION 3: Susan to raise the possible reduction of the published ILF Scotland budget with the Director of Health & Social Care.
4. Board Terms of Reference
(refer to paper)
Alan introduced the Terms of Reference (ToR) requesting the Board to approve the proposed changes. This is with regard to the approval and appointment of internal and external auditors following the change in status to an NDPB (Non-Departmental Public Body).
Following discussion the Board noted that charging details from Audit Scotland, with regard to the appointment of the external auditors, have yet to be received. Jim Maguire (Jim) confirmed this has been requested from Audit Scotland.
The Board noted the nature of the rotational 5 year appointment of the external auditors was a positive change
The Board approved the proposed change to the Terms of Reference.
ACTION 4: Aileen to complete the proposed changes to the Terms of Reference.
5. Remuneration Committee Report
(refer to paper)
Betty McAtear (Betty) apprised the Board with the key points with regard to the Remuneration Committee Report.
Mark acknowledged the positive results and hard work. He offered to work with the Executive team to help review Performance & Development, which was welcomed.
4. Awards: The Remuneration Committee felt that the awards should reassure the Board that the organisation was positively and actively ensuring the employee offering was good and continuously improving.
The Board acknowledged the hard work of the Communications Manager and the Executive Business Manager whose work has supported the nominations for the recent short listed awards referred to in the Chairs opening remarks.
The Board discussed the report and associated papers commenting that they were astonished at the workload, output and positivity of staff.
The Board noted the Remuneration Committee Report.
6. Quarter 2 - Corporate Report
(refer to paper)
Harvey spoke to the paper, highlighting the following:
Transition Fund: A response is expected imminently to the submission to extend the age range of the Transition Fund. The proposal submitted extends the age range to 25 years old. Should this be approved it would be positively received across Scotland.
Further broader work, building on the original co-production workshops is underway by Jack Blaik (Sponsor Team) and Linda Scott (Linda), Head of Policy. Potential options being considered are:
- Transition – leaving the family home
- Transition – following bereavement of carers
The Board noted this encouraging update.
Northern Ireland: The Permanent Secretary for Health, Richard Pengelly, has confirmed the Department of Health commitment to conduct exploratory work in preparation of the possible future to re-opening of the 2015 fund in NI. When the NI Administration re-opens it is planned that the NI Sponsor team and ILF Scotland will be in a position to submit a completed strategy to deliver the re-opening of the fund.
Intern Posts: Recruitment is underway for a Communications Co-ordinator. This internship is supported by Inclusion Scotland for up to 26 weeks to allow a disabled person the opportunity to develop transferrable working skills for the future. This post will focus on co-ordinating a working group for the Transition Fund.
The Board noted the Quarterly Corporate Report.
7. Strategy Update
(refer to presentation)
Harvey introduced and presented the Strategy Update with the following highlighted:
- people felt they had a voice
- ILF Scotland have talked about people – not the process
- ILF Scotland staff held with great regard
- people want the ‘2015 Fund’ re-opened
- Transition Fund – preference is there is no age limit
Anne-Marie Monaghan (Anne-Marie) added that she had attended a recent event in Edinburgh where Jamie MacDougall, Deputy Director of Health & Social Care had announced that SG are working closely with ILF Scotland and are considering a ‘top up scheme’. The Board welcomed this public acknowledgement of on-going work from Jamie, and look forward to further developments.
The Board noted the Strategy Update.
8. Mediation Charter
Betty introduced the Mediation Charter. As a consequence of discussions and positive review during the Remuneration Committee and the Board Development Day on 11th September, the Board agreed to pursue becoming an early adopter of the Mediation Charter.
Mark Adderley (Mark) commented that mediation in the workplace was a great skill to have benefiting staff and recipients alike. Harvey added he would expect mediation as a core skill to form part of the new strategy.
The Board noted the Mediation Charter is in its draft format at present, however gave approval to proceed to a final draft prior to submission to the Board in due course.
9. MACC’s & PQQ’s
The Board noted that no MACC & PQQ’s had been received for the period 01 July 2019 -
30th September 2019.
10. Health & Safety Report & Annual Audit
(refer to paper)
The Board noted with comfort the Health & Safety Report and Annual Audit.
11. AOB
Atlantic Quay
Further to the change in venue for today’s Board Meeting, the Board discussed the matter raised.
Peter informed the Board that should attendees at any meetings (above ground floor in Scottish Government buildings) be wheelchair users, then organisers require to ensure there are 3 ‘evacu-chair’ trained individuals per person, in the event of evacuation.
The Board unanimously felt this was unrealistic and was excluding wheelchair users from participating in meetings held in SG buildings.
Paul confirmed that he is currently investigating this, however no solutions have yet been presented.
ILF Scotland Board requested that this be resolved as a matter of principal, in partnership with Etienne and Anne-marie, to enable future meetings to be held in SG buildings as soon as possible.
The Board agreed Susan will write to Joe FitzPatrick, Minster for Health on behalf of the Board to raise the issue and seek a solution.
ACTION 5: Susan to write to Joe FitzPatrick, Minster for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing on behalf of the Board to raise the issue and seek a solution to wheelchair evacuation in Scottish Government buildings.
It was noted Board Directors have offered to attend training in evacuation using Evacu-Chairs.
Available Income: (AI) Charging Policy - Formal Proposal Submission
Following the recent amendment proposal submitted to Joe FitzPatrick (see Board Minute of 25 June 2019), PS updated the Board there has been no response yet, despite positive communications that the amendment had been received positively.
The Board discussed the recent meeting with NHS Health Finance. It was recognised there is an impasse where ILF Scotland have evidenced the affordability of the AI Policy amendment and NHS Health Finance do not believe the AI policy amendment is affordable under NHS Health Finance current financial circumstances.
The Board unanimously agreed to write to the Minister to request an update as soon as possible.
ACTION 6: Susan to write to the Minister to request an update to the Available Income amendment submission.
Important Board Dates:
Next: Audit & Risk Committee: 9:30am, Monday 20th January 2020. Venue to be confirmed
Next: Board Meeting: 11:00am, Tuesday 04th February 2020. Venue to be confirmed.
Next: Remuneration Committee: 11:00am, Monday 10th February 2020. Venue to be confirmed
Next: Board Development Day: 2:00pm, Monday 10th February 2020. Venue to be confirmed.