Tuesday 24 October 2023 – 10.30am to 12.30pm
Online via Microsoft Teams
Peter Scott, ILF Scotland (Co-Chair)
Iain MacAllister, Scottish Government (Co-Chair)
Fiona Collie, Carers Scotland
Sam Smith, CCPS
Lyn Pornaro, Disability Equality Scotland
Gaby Nolan, Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living
Donald Macleod, Self-Directed Support Scotland
Cameron Smith, Scottish Commission for Learning Disability
Donna Murray, Social Work Scotland
Jim Elder-Woodward, ILF Scotland Advisory Group
Andy Higgins ILF Advisory Group, ILF recipient
Fran Holligan, COSLA
Roisin Donnelly, COSLA
Tressa Burke, Glasgow Disability Alliance
Pauline Nolan, Inclusion Scotland
Jenny Miller, PAMIS
Andy Miller, Scottish Commission for Learning Disability
Oonagh Brown, Scottish Human Rights Commission attending for Jan Savage
Linda Scott, ILF Scotland
Erika Mather, ILF Scotland
Robert White, ILF Scotland
Harvey Tilley, ILF Scotland
Steven Hanlon, Scottish Government
Robert Peterson, Scottish Government
Lauren Glen, Scottish Government
Jack Blaik, Scottish Government
Amelia Andrzejowska, Scottish Government (Notes)
Calum Macaulay, Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living
The Chair welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the newly established group to advise on delivery of the Programme for Government commitment to re-open the 2015 Fund. He thanked all for accepting the invitation to join and invited the attendees to introduce themselves.
The earlier work to establish the ILF Transition Fund was recalled, which included many of the organisations and some of the people here today. The approach of this group will be similar, but with a few changes. We are open to suggestions for improvement and doing things better.
Reflection was shared that colleagues at ILF Scotland (ILF) had been working towards reopening for eight years. Thanks extended to the ILF Sponsorship Team at SG for their work to bring us to this point. Special thanks were extended to Jack Blaik for his contributions and work which has supported the activity of ILF for some years.
Also, the ILF Scotland Advisory Group’s contributions and efforts were acknowledged, in particular the Chair of the Group, Jim Elder-Woodward and Andy Higgins, Vice-Chair. The ILF Advisory Group holds ILF Scotland to account and supports them in ensuring a good understanding of how practice changes and policy decisions impact on people’s lives. Peter thanked Jim for his exceptional expertise and leadership, passion, commitment and determination.
The Chair also thanked the many other groups and individuals who have supported and advocated for the ILF, both before and since transfer to ILF Scotland in 2015, for their continued support for the re-opening of the Fund. It was recognised that without their work we would most likely not be meeting today to plan the re-opening of the Fund.
Peter emphasised that this group’s objective is to fulfil the Programme for Government commitment to:
“Reopen the Independent Living Fund in 2024-25 with an initial investment of up to £9 million, to enable approximately 1,000 additional disabled people with the most complex needs to access the support they need and deserve to live independent lives.”
The Chair acknowledged responsibility as well as privilege and opportunity to make a positive difference; ILF is determined to make re-opening a success but also conscious of challenges ahead including being aware that the reopened fund will be a step towards, but not the only solution, to fixing the problems in the social care system.
Acknowledgment shared that it is an exciting time but some challenges and compromises are ahead. Thanks were extended to ILF Scotland for their ongoing work, and it was noted that ILF are trusted to deliver, as proven by e.g. their major efforts made during the pandemic and delivering the £500 Thank You payment to Personal Assistants. The powerful messages from DPOs and Jim had been heard within Government and struck a chord, also with the Minister of Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport is a huge supporter of ILF.
Collective thanks issued and appreciation for everyone’s patience in waiting for the reopening of the Independent Living Fund.
The Chair opened a discussion on the Terms of Reference (ToR). He highlighted:
Group members discussed:
Action 1: Timetable of the group meetings to be produced and calendar invitations to be distributed in advance.
Action 2: Amendments to be made to ToR on human rights and local authority issues; amended document to be shared with all.
Group approved ToR subject to the above changes – the first decision of the group made.
The Chair introduced the paper describing the principles of co-production and the mode of working for the group to achieve the desired outcomes.
Action 3: To add Co-Production check-in as a standing agenda item for each meeting.
Action 4: To add accessibility/mutuality point to the Co-Production Paper 02.
Paper 03 was presented, which contains an overview of what are perceived to be the key issues. It was noted that this document was designed to offer a summary overview of the issues and is not exhaustive. The Group may have other issues they wish to add.
A discussion followed:
Action 5: To add the inter-relationship between ILF and LA support to the future topics for group discussion.
The desire was expressed to engage as widely as possible with disabled people, their representative bodies and other stakeholders to ensure inclusivity of the process.
The group’s input was requested on what kind of events should be delivered as part of wider engagement;
ILF would seek suggestions from the group on the mode of the events (online or hybrid), venues, locations, time of the day etc. and how to ensure a good quality hybrid experience.
Action 6: To circulate in advance of the next meeting a proposed engagement plan for all group members to comment/input.
Timetable of the group meetings to be agreed and it was suggested that the group meet fortnightly; if any members cannot attend they are requested to send a representative but Peter is also happy to offer the opportunity to discuss on a one- to- one basis.
The group discussed options for hybrid online and face-to-face meetings for the future.
The group was invited to share any specific requests re. agenda items or other issues in advance of the meeting.
Action 7: To issue a poll on preference of the future meeting mode: hybrid or online only.