ILF Scotland

EQIA: TF02 - How Grant Funding Can Be Used

Type of document: Equality Impact Assessments (EQIA)

Read the document

Published: June 14, 2022


Title of policy/ practice/ strategy/ legislation etc.
Title of policy/ practice/ strategy/ legislation etc. ILF Transition Fund
How grant funding can be used. TF02

Is this new policy or revision to an existing policy?
Revision to an existing policy


Policy Aim

The proposed policy change has arisen due to a reduction in the number of applications received to the Transition Fund. The upper grant limit of £1,500 is increased to £4,000 with effect from 1 June 2021. This will be kept under regular review. While the reduction from £7,500 to £1,500 was necessary at the time, is clear that the limit of £1,500 has limited the thinking and ambition of the young people who are applying to the Transition Fund, and put a significant number of previously popular items such as specialist wheelchairs for sports, and similar items out of reach of the applicants.

This should be read in conjunction with the original and any previous EQIAs for TFO2.

The Transition Fund is open to applicants aged between 16-25 years. Grants run over a period of 12 months. Young people may apply for a further grant once one grant period ends. However, our policy states that priority will be given to first time applications if there is a high demand on the Fund. Priority will continue to be given to first time applicants, although we have not at this time had to refuse a second application for a grant purely on this basis.

Who will it affect?

The proposed change will affect the target group of young people aged 16-25 years in transition from childhood to adulthood and will be open to all protected characteristic groups provided the age eligibility criteria is met. Those applying for the first time will be given priority, while applicants who have previously applied for the grant may be disadvantaged.

Disabled people outside the age band will be excluded at this stage. Individuals with additional protected characteristics will have equal access to ILF Transition Fund grants where they meet the age and eligibility criteria.

What might prevent the desired outcomes being achieved?

An increase in applications to the fund may mean that some eligible young disabled people might not meet their desired outcomes. We are hopeful that this will not be the case due to a substantial increase in funding being awarded by the Scottish Government to accompany the increased limit.

Public information and stakeholder consultation has and continues to be an integral part of this policy formulation and implementation. Person centred and equality/diversity training has been provided for key ILF Scotland staff and application and internal processes to deliver the ILF Transition Fund have involved disabled people and their representative organisations.

Stage 1: Framing

Results of framing exercise

ILF Scotland used data on application trends and spend to project the future sustainability of the Fund and discussed all possible options with its Sponsor and Finance within Scottish Government. In order to protect the availability of the scheme and keep it open, the option to reduce the maximum award for a period was considered to be the most equitable in relation to the potential access of young disabled people in the eligible categories.

Extent/Level of EQIA required

The existing ILF Fund is only for disabled people. On the basis of screening for each protected characteristic against these parameters, impact will be minimal in other areas.

Stage 2: Data and evidence gathering, involvement and consultation

Include here the results of your evidence gathering (including framing exercise), including qualitative and quantitative data and the source of that information, whether national statistics, surveys or consultations with relevant equality groups.

Stage 3: Assessing the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

Having considered the data and evidence you have gathered, this section requires you to consider the potential impacts – negative and positive – that your policy might have on each of the protected characteristics. It is important to remember the duty is also a positive one – that we must explore whether the policy offers the opportunity to promote equality and/or foster good relations.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?

Do you think that the policy impacts disabled people?

Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?

Do you think that the policy impacts on women because of pregnancy and maternity?

Do you think your policy impacts on transgender people?

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?

Do you think the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?

Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?

Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their marriage or civil partnership?

Stage 4: Decision making and monitoring

Identifying and establishing any required mitigating action

If, following the impact analysis, you think you have identified any unlawful discrimination – direct or indirect - you must consider and set out what action will be undertaken to mitigate the negative impact.

Describing how Equality Impact Analysis has shaped the policy making process

Monitoring and Review

Following implementation, there will be continuous monitoring to assess how applicants and recipients are impacted by the increase in the fund.

Stage 5 - Authorisation of EQIA

Please confirm that:

  • This Equality Impact Assessment has informed the development of this policy:


  • Opportunities to promote equality in respect of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation have been considered, i.e.:
    • Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation;
    • Removing or minimising any barriers and/or disadvantages;
    • Taking steps which assist with promoting equality and meeting people’s different needs;
    • Encouraging participation (e.g. in public life) o Fostering good relations, tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.


  • If the Marriage and Civil Partnership protected characteristic applies to this policy, the Equality Impact Assessment has also assessed against the duty to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation in respect of this protected characteristic:

                     Not applicable     X


I am satisfied with the equality impact assessment that has been undertaken for Policy TF02.

Name: Linda Scott
Position: Director of Policy, Improvement & Engagement
Authorisation date: 1 June 2021

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