ILF Scotland

FOI-20180611 - Accounting Software and Applications

Type of document: Freedom of Information
Front page of the Freedom of Information Request FOI-110618 Accounting Software and Applications

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Published: June 13, 2018

Reference Number:


Fulfilment Date:



Accounting Software and Applications


1. What financial accounting software do you use?

2. Who supplies your financial accounting software (name of vendor or supplier)?

3. What was the original date of purchase or contact start date for your accounting software?

4. When is the contact renewal or expiry date for your accounting software?

5. If relevant, what is the cost of annual support and maintenance (last financial year April 2016- March 2017) for your accounting software?

6. Is Your IT in-house or outsourced?  If outsourced, who is it outsourced to, and when is this contract up for renewal?

7. Could you confirm if your organisation has any applications (computer systems) running on the Fujitsu (formerly ICL) VME operating system?

8. If so, please list the names of these applications and their main role within your organisation.

9. Please confirm if you have applications:

a) operating on any other legacy platform such as OpenVME, IBM iSeries or written in legacy code such as Powerbuilder, COBOL, etc;

b) considered expensive or (technically) challenging to enabling digital transformation;

c) that are critical to the business but are at risk due to the scarcity of ageing support personnel or limited documentation?

10. Please confirm if these applications have been developed in-house, i.e. they are bespoke to your organisation and you own the source code.


1. SAGE50

2. SAGE (UK) Ltd

3. 13/08/2015

4. ILF Scotland's contract for accounting software is renewed annually.  The current contract is due to expire in September 2018.

5. ILF Scotland's annual cost for SAGE for 2016/17, including maintenance, was £1538.40.

6. ILF Scotland is a public body with IT Services provided by the Scottish Government.

7. ILF Scotland does not have any applications (computer systems) running on the Fujitsu (formerly ICL) VME operating system.

8. N/A

9. a) ILF Scotland does not have any applications operating on any other legacy platform such as OpenVME, IBM iSeries or written in legacy code such as Powerbuilder, COBOL, etc.

b) ILF Scotland does not have any operating system considered expensive or (technically) challenging to enabling digital transformation.

c) ILF Scotland does not have any applications that are critical to business and at risk due to the scarcity of ageing support personnel or limited documentation.

10. ILF Scotland uses a bespoke SQL database for customer relationship management.  ILF Scotland owns the source code for this application

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