ILF Scotland

FOI-20210818 - 2021/2022 Public Sector Pay Policy

Type of document: Freedom of Information
Front page of the Freedom of Information Request FOI-180821 2021/2022 Public Sector Pay Policy

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Published: September 15, 2021

Reference Number: 


Fulfilment Date: 



2021/2022 Public Sector Pay Policy


1.  For your 2021/22 collective pay agreement, were the key features of the Scottish Sector pay policy applied as listed below:

a)  continuing the requirement for employers to pay staff the real Living Wage, now set at £9.50 per hour;

b)  providing a guaranteed cash underpin of £800 for public sector workers who earn £25,000 or less;

c)  providing a guaranteed basic pay increase of 2 per cent for public sector workers who earn more than £25,000 and up to £40,000;

d)  a guaranteed basic pay increase of 1 per cent for those public sector workers earning more than £40,000 and up to £80,000;

e)  limiting to £800 the maximum basic pay increase for those earning £80,000 or more, and;

f)  allowing flexibilities for employers to use up to 0.5 per cent of paybill savings on baseline salaries in 2021 to address clearly evidenced equality or pay coherence issues in existing pay and grading structures.

2.  Were there any variations made to the key features of the policy?

3.  What percentage consolidated pay increase was applied to the lowest rate of pay (excluding apprentice rates or rates for staff aged under 18)?

4.  What percentage consolidated pay increase did the majority of staff receive (ie. if a majority of staff received the same percentage increase, what was that increase)?

5.  Were any changes made to pay rates to address clearly evidenced equality or pay coherence issues in existing pay and grading structures?


1a)  Yes

1b)  Yes

1c)  Yes

1d)  Yes

1e)  Yes

1f)  Yes.

2.  No.

3.  9.38%.

4.  3.08% (the figure is the increase from the previous pay bill and the new pay bill).

5.  Not applicable as there were no equality or pay coherence issues

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