ILF Scotland

202111 - Northern Ireland Advisory Group Minutes - November 2021

Type of document: Northern Irish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups
Front page of Northern Ireland Stakeholder Meeting Minutes from 9 November 2021

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Published: November 9, 2021

Note of Meeting

Independent Living Fund Scotland:
Northern Ireland Stakeholder Group Meeting

Tuesday 9th November 2021 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. (zoom meeting)


David McDonald
Kieran McCarthy
Niqi Rainey
Frances McHugh
Collette Jones
Amanda Paul
Bryan Myles

In Attendance

Linda Scott
Lee House
Liam Hargan
Colin Dunlop
Jim McComish
Harvey Tilley
Robert White
Peter Scott
Marianne Craig
Corrina Grimes



List of Actions:

  1. Lee House to send out the Charter of Involvement presentation.
  2. Lee House to send out updated dates for next meetings in 2022.

1.      Welcome, Introductions, Apologies and Housekeeping

David welcomed everyone to the meeting, took apologies and went through housekeeping. David advised we would record the meeting to help finalise the minutes.

2.      Minutes of previous meeting

The previous meeting’s minutes were approved & will be uploaded to the website. Alannah to action.

Actions points from previous meeting:
  1. Linda Scott to check with data protection officer to confirm how long we can keep the Zoom recording of each meeting. (Done)
  2. Lee to add to previous minutes when people left meeting (Done)
  3. Lee to add Advance Care Planning to the next meeting’s agenda.(Done)
  4. Members, who are happy to do so, to email David, Linda and Lee, giving their permission for their email addresses and phone numbers to be shared with each other, to support better communication within the Group. (Done – For mainly those who attend each meeting)
  5. David to contact Valerie & Victor McCarthy and Richard Sale, to thank them for their contribution as Stakeholder Group Members and to let them know that they are welcome back at any time. (Done)
  6. David, Lee & Linda to check the list of Members and try to contact to check if they would like to still be part of the Group. Possible email or letter to be sent. (Ongoing)
  7. Lee & Linda to look in to possibility of booking a room for the next meeting in November. Try NICVA or Mencap Centre Belfast. (Done)

3.  Matters arising

David advised that the matters arising would be covered throughout the meeting’s agenda.

David asked the Group if they would be happy to move the meeting day to a Thursday. All agreed that this would be acceptable.

David confirmed to the Group that a recording of the meeting will only be now used to complete the minutes and then deleted in line with GDPR regulations.

4.  Membership matters and Terms of Reference

David discussed Members attendance at the Group and who has given permission to share email addresses. David advised who has now left the Stakeholder group and confirmed that he has sent an email of thanks to the members who recently left and could still be contacted.

5.  Re-opening of the 2015 fund in Northern Ireland

Colin Dunlop advised the Group that there is still a significant challenge with funding and budgets to support the re-opening of the 2015 fund in Northern Ireland. Colin shared with the Group that there has been a recent change of Director replacing Mark Lee who has decided to move on. Colin advised the group that he is meeting with Mark McGoogan in the coming days to discuss some of the ongoing issues and questions raised around the draft submission paper that will be submitted to the Minister for approval. Colin advised the group that they are looking at innovative ways of finding the funding to support the re-opening of the fund.

6.  Available Income and other Policies, including Covid-19 update

Linda advised the group that, in line with Colin’s comments, any changes to the Available Income policy would be addressed as part of the potential reopening of the fund in NI.

Linda confirmed that following confirmation from the Sponsor Team that ILF Scotland can continue the Covid-19 flexibility payments where necessary until March 2022. This will incude any new requirements for payments for replacement care and support, expenditure related to Covid-19 e.g. vaccinations/testing.

7.  Booster and flu vaccinations for PAs and unpaid carers

David shared with the group questions he had submitted to the sponsor team about the vaccinations for PAs and unpaid carers. He noted there wasn’t a straight forward answer to PAs and unpaid carers from Trusts about them receiving the Covid-19 booster and flu vaccinations. The Trusts appear to be only vaccinating their own directly employed staff. There seems to be a possibility of a Trust organized walk in clinic in November but these details have not been confirmed yet.

David confirmed that GPs will be writing out to over 50’s and under 50’s within the ‘at risk’ category to invite them to receive the booster vaccine. He noted that not all PAs would fall in to that group.

David advised the Group there will be a list provided by the HSBC on their website of chemists in each area of Northern Ireland who can administer the vaccinations.

David advised that the JCVA have recommended that Pfizer or Moderna as the preferred vaccination booster.

8.  £500 Thank You Payments for PAs

Colin confirmed the majority of the work has been completed to facilitate payments being made to PAs. Bryan Myles advised that CILNI has had many requests and enquiries from people for this payment to be made. Colin advised that his team are discussing options with various partners including Scotland Excel and ILF Scotland to reach an agreement on how these payments will be processed.

Colin Dunlop and Jim McComish left the meeting at 12:10

9.  Review Visits and Award Manager Information Session Update

Liam Hargan confirmed that ILF Scotland review visits are back up and running throughout Northern Ireland. ILF Scotland have prioritised the urgent visits as identified through the welfare calls. Liam advised the Stakeholder Group that the ILF Scotland Assessors report that Trusts are not yet delivering a full service provision.

10.  Charter for Involvement (Marianne Craig)

Marianne Craig joined the meeting at 12:15 Corrina Grimes joined the meeting at 12:26

Marianne Craig presented an update on the progress ILF Scotland has made in delivering the Charter for Involvement Standards. Linda confirmed that although a lot has been achieved, there was still a considerable number of actions ongoing and that it is likely that this work will continue into the next financial year.

Marianne Craig and Bryan Myles left the meeting 12:54

11.  Advanced Care Planning

Corrina Grimes delivered an update on the Advance Care Planning policy development in Northern Ireland and discussed the various consultation events. She discussed the principles behind introducing the initiative and some discussion took place about the practicalities of introducing an Advance Care Plan that would be properly recognized throughout Health & Social Care sectors/departments. Some particular issues were raised about the sensitivities around DNR and Corrina offered to speak to Stakeholder Group Members outwith the meeting to discuss examples in more detail. She is keen to incorporate views into the draft Department of Health NI guidance.

David thanked Corrina for a very interesting and valuable overview and confirmed that Lee would send the presentation to those present at the meeting

Kieran McCarthy left the meeting at 13:17 Frances McHugh left the meeting at 13.25

12.  ILF Scotland Newsletter (Any items to be added)

Lee House will email the group to check if any Member wanted anything in particular added to the ILF Scotland Newsletter.

13.  Any other business

14. Proposed Dates of Next Meetings

Thursday 10th February 2022 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

Thursday 12th May 2022 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

Thursday 11th August 2022 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

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