ILF Scotland

202105 - Northern Ireland Advisory Group Minutes - May 2021

Type of document: Northern Irish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups

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Published: May 11, 2021

Note of Meeting

Independent Living Fund Scotland:
Northern Ireland Stakeholder Group Meeting

Tuesday 11th May 2021 11.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. (zoom meeting)

Permanent Members’ Present

David McDonald
Kieran McCarthy
Collette Jones
Frances McHugh
Niqi Rainey

Affiliate Members’ Present

Amanda Paul
Bryan Myles

ILF Scotland Representatives in Attendance

Peter Scott
Harvey Tilley
Linda Scott
Lee House
Liam Hargan

Permanent Members’ Apologies

Caroline Wheeler
Valerie McCarthy

ILF Scotland Representatives Apologies


List of Actions:

  1. Lee House to add Charter for Involvement to the next meeting’s agenda.
  2. Lee House to email out easy read draft documents to be reviewed by the Group.
  3. Lee House to email the Group to confirm who is willing to let their email address be shared in a group email and if they wish to continue to be part of the Group.
  4. Lee House to send out a doodle poll to confirm a meeting date to go through the Your Responsibilities guide with the Group. (end of July beginning of August)
Welcome, Introductions, Apologies and Housekeeping

David welcomed everyone to the meeting, took apologies and went through housekeeping. David asked all present did they mind that we record the meeting to help finalise the minutes; everyone was agreeable to doing so.

1.      Minutes of previous meeting

The previous meeting’s minutes were approved & will be uploaded to the website. Alannah to action.

Actions points from previous meeting:
  1. Liam Hargan to feedback issues to Trusts about unpaid carers registering to receive the vaccination.(Done)
  2. Linda Scott will follow up for more information on unpaid carers receiving the covid-19 vaccination as a priority.(Done)
  3. Lee House to send out interim recipient survey feedback (Done)
  4. Lee House to send out terms of reference documents.(Pending)

3.  Matters arising

No matters arising.

4.  Unpaid carers registering to receive the vaccine

Linda Scott advised that unpaid carers are at priority 6 in Northern Ireland and arrangements are under way for them to receive the vaccination for Covid 19. ILF Scotland has distributed the information from the Scottish Government and the Department of Health in Northern Ireland.

There has been no further update from Liam Hargan regards this matter. The Members discussed who had been vaccinated and the ongoing process for this in Northern Ireland.

5.  Proposed re-opening of the fund in NI

Harvey Tilley advised the Group there are no roadblocks to the fund re- opening in Northern Ireland. Harvey Tilley stated that the Department of Health in Northern Ireland is looking at finding the potential funding at the moment. Harvey Tilley advised another potential delay is due to no budget being announced by the Northern Ireland Government at present. Harvey Tilley advised the Group he will continue to work on receiving updates and will update the Group as soon as possible.

6.  Available Income Policy Update

Linda Scott advised the Group that we drafted a policy 4 Available Income to match what we have in Scotland. This has been discussed but at the moment has not gone any further. Linda Scott advised that this will tie in with the opening of the fund in Northern Ireland. If the re-opening of the fund does not go ahead, ILF Scotland will pursue the policy change.

7.  Other Policies Update(s)

Linda Scott advised the Group that in Scotland, from 1 June, the Available Income contribution will be capped at £43 (from £83 currently in Scotland) and up to 6 policies relating to the financial assessment of awards can subsequently be removed. Linda Scott advised there are still 100 recipients that will require a notional assessment. Linda Scott advised that work is ongoing to streamline and amalgamate policies.

8.  Charter for involvement update

Linda Scott advised that a lot of work has been ongoing over the last year to develop the Charter Action Plan and thanked David McDonald, Niqi Rainey and Caroline Wheeler for their time. The Action Plan was submitted to the board on the 27th April 2021 and has been approved. Once edited, this will be added to the website. (Done) This plan sets out what actions ILF Scotland plan to take and this will be reviewed on an annual basis. It will also become a standing item on the Stakeholder Group meeting agenda.

9.  ILF Scotland Staff Away Day

David McDonald advised the Group he was invited by Harvey Tilley to attend the staff away day and give a presentation on his journey through the pandemic and what barriers he has faced. David McDonald reported that he had been very well received. Harvey Tilley advised the Group that the focus of the staff away day was around returning to business as usual after the pandemic.

10.  DOH Advance Care Planning Policy

The Department of Health in Northern Ireland is developing an Advance Care Planning policy for adults in Northern Ireland. A key aim of the policy will be to encourage people to think about what matters to them and, if they become incapacitated, to consider their wishes, feelings, beliefs and values to help them to plan ahead for their future. The Members agreed that David McDonald would invite someone from the team to attend a future Stakeholder Group meeting.

11.  Care and Support Plans

The Members discussed the importance of having effective, person centred care and support plans and whether it would be useful for the Group to help develop a model plan, mainly for those ILF Scotland recipients in Northern Ireland who do not receive social care and for new award managers if the fund is reopened. Members and Liam Hargan agreed to share examples of good plan templates for further discussion.

12.  Terms of Reference

David McDonald asked the Members to review and agree the final draft of the Terms of Reference. Section 11.1 was raised by David McDonald to check a phrase which the Members agreed to change from “options” to “absence”.

The Members agreed unanimously that, with the change above made, these Terms of Reference are now signed off.

14. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

The Members unanimously re-elected David McDonald as Chairperson and Kieran McCarthy as Vice Chairperson. The Members agreed to David McDonald’s request that he can step down before his term of office ends, at a time right for him.

(Kieran McCarthy left the Meeting.)

13. Any other business

The Members discussed how ILF Scotland contact them in terms of emails with attachments. The Members agreed to confirm individually by email whether or not they are willing to have their email addresses shared amongst the Group. The Members agreed also to checking who on the current mailing list wished to continue to be part of the Group in the future as Permanent Members.

Linda Scott informed the Members of a Belfast Telegraph Award presented to Caroline Kelly. The Members welcomed the news and applauded her achievement.

15. Date of next meeting

10th August 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

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