ILF Scotland

202202 - Scotland Advisory Group Minutes - February 2022 (Easy Read)

Type of document: Scottish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups
Front Cover of the Scottish Recipient Advisory Group Easy Read Minutes February 2022

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Published: February 28, 2022
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Independent Living Fund Scotland

Scottish Recipient Advisory Group Meeting Minutes

21 February 2022

A booklet showing minutes and people having a meeting
A calendar with the date February 21st 2022
Man holding a sign saying 'easy read'

Easy Read

A calendar with the date February 21st 2022

The meeting happened on Monday 21 February 2022 from 1pm to 3pm.

Man on a laptop with two people waving behind him

The meeting happened on Zoom.

Six silhouettes of heads in a circle with a question mark in the middle

Who was at this meeting?

Jim Elder-Woodward

Chloe Mckee

Gordon Mckee

Andy Higgins

Kate Walsh

Joan Turner

Hugh John-Glancy

Nic Reid

Peter Scott Lee House

Linda Scott

Emma O’Neill

Robert White

Six silhouettes of heads in a circle with a question mark in the middle and a diagonal red line across the image

Who could not come?

Christine Mercer

Envelope with email written on it on a screen of a laptop

4 Actions from this meeting

1. Lee will send out electronic feedback forms.

Queen Elizabeth II 70th Platinum Jubilee image

2. Peter and Linda will talk to the sponsor team about possibly having a public holiday for Personal Assistants, for the Queen’s Jubilee.

Envelope with email written on it on a screen of a laptop

3. Linda will send a new copy of the Terms of Reference to everyone in the group.

Image of National Insurance numbercard

4. Linda will share information about Employer National Insurance costs.

Man and woman shaking hands

1. Welcome and Introductions

Jim welcomed everyone.

He asked if everyone was okay with the meeting being recorded. Everyone agreed.

A booklet showing minutes and people having a meeting

2. Action from the last Meeting

Graphic of a laptop with 'email' on the screen and a clipboard with a green tick on it

Lee will send out Marianne’s Charter for Involvement presentation. This has been done.

Woman writing something in a notebook with a green tick next to her

3. Any other things we need to talk about

Linda said she will tell everyone about the award manager sessions later in the meeting.

Pile of £10 notes

4. Scottish Social Care wages going up

Wages mean the money that a worker is paid for doing their job.

Man writing something down, calendar with date December 1st, and a clipboard with an image of money on it

Linda said that the new Social Care wage is 10 pounds and 2 pence an hour.

But the Independent Living Fund Scotland has added 5 and a half percent to all awards from 1 December 2021.

£10 note, 50 pence coin and a calendar with the date |April 1st

The Scottish Social Care new wages will be 10 pounds and 50 pence an hour from 1 April 2022.

A £10 note and 50 pence coin with a red diagonal line across them

Independent Living Fund Scotland won’t add this pay rise to care provider rates. But it will look at pay rises in the future in each case.

Image of three people looking at a graph on a table with a bap of the British Isles behind them and Scotland highlighted

5. Possibly opening the 2015 Fund again

Linda said that the Minister has asked his team to find out more information from Local Authorities.

This will help to decide about opening the Fund.

Image of a book with 'Policy' on it and a laptop with 'email' on the screen

6. Policy Updates

Policy 26 is called Managing an ILF Scotland Award.

Linda said it will get looked at and changed in 2022. She will send the new copy of Policy 26 to all the group members for their thoughts

Image of paper money and a calendar of June

Linda said that COVID-19 payments will probably carry on until June 2022. This means that when Recipients don’t get their normal support, we can pay for support in the meantime.

Man on a laptop with two people waving behind him

Robert White joined the meeting at just after 1.30pm.

Image of document with three images of people and lines to represent text next to them

7. Review Visits, Review Reports and Data Protection

Robert said that reviews have started again now.

He said that each review takes 2 or 3 hours.

Two men discussing the bits of paper they are holding

Robert said that Recipients don’t have to fill in a form to ask for their copy of the review visit report.

Instead they can ask their Assessor or the team.

Man on a laptop with two people waving behind him

Peter Scott joined the meeting just after 1.45pm.

A magnifying glass looking at a laptop with email. on the screen

8. Feedback about Electronic Forms

Lee will email out the electronic feedback forms for the group to:

  • look at
  • see if there are any changes to be made
Man with 'Personal Assistant' written below him

9. Personal Assistants

Linda asked everyone how easy or hard it is to:

  • get new Personal Assistants working
  • keep Personal Assistants without them leaving their role
Image of man on the phone with a laptop with a job searching website on the screen, and a woman below him surrounded by money

The group talked about things like:

  • adverts for Personal Assistant jobs
  • how much pay
  • work hours
Image of document with 'Register' written at the top followed by images of people next to their names

10. Personal Assistants Register

A register is a list of names and details.

Peter said that the Programme Board want Personal Assistants to:

  • be on a register
  • follow the same rules
Woman looks confused. Above her is a thought bubble with a tick and a cross. Above that is a laptop with an email on it.

But at the moment Personal Assistants are allowed to choose if they want to be on the register or not.

Group of five people, one with a cane and one in a wheelchair

Peter said it is important that organisations that support disabled people’s rights are happy with changes in the future.

Book with 'Report' on the front and a woman holding a sign saying 'easy read'

11. Charter for Involvement

Linda said that a report is being written about how things are going. The report will be sent to the Board. Linda said she will talk about it at the next meeting in May 2022.

Queen Elizabeth II 70th Platinum Jubilee image

12. Queens Jubilee

Personal Assistants might get an extra holiday for the Queens Jubilee. Peter said he and Linda will talk to the Sponsor Team about this. Then Linda will tell the group.

Man raising his hand and a National Insurance numbercard

13. Employers National Insurance

Jim asked why Independent Living Fund Scotland does not pay for Employers National Insurance.

A hand holding a £5 note, two £10 notes, and two £20 notes

Linda said that we can pay something towards Employers National Insurance if the year’s cost is over 4 thousand pounds.

Image of document with 'Information' written at top in front of arrows pointing in every direction

There is information about this on an Employer Support Information Note.

Linda will share this information with the group.

Man and woman talking about something in a notebook

14. Terms of Reference

Linda said she will talk with Jim about a final draft copy of the Terms of Reference.

After that she will share it with the group.

Three people behind a desk with speech bubbles above their heads. The middle bubble reads 'Any Other Business?

15. Any other business

There were 2 questions about sick pay and Personal Assistants payment dates.

Woman looking at a bit pf paper with a letter behind her

Nic said that her National Insurance payments were not matching her HMRC details.

Emma gave some advice.

Three calendars with the dates may 23rd, August 22nd , and November 21st
  1. Dates of the next meetings

The next meetings will be on:

  • Monday 23 May 2022
  • Monday 22 August 2022
  • Monday 21 November 2022
A clock at 12:00 pm and a red arrow pointing to a clock at 3:00 pm

All the meetings will be from 12 noon to 3.00pm.

A man waving

This is the end of the Minutes.

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