ILF Scotland

202108 - Scotland Advisory Group Minutes - Aug 2021 (Easy Read)

Type of document: Scottish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups
ILF Scotland - Recipient Advisory Group Minutes - Aug 2021 (Easy Read) cover image

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Published: August 31, 2021
A booklet showing minutes and people having a meeting

Scottish Recipient Advisory Group Meeting Minutes

Monday 23 August 2021

A lady holds up a book with the words Easy Read on it.

Easy Read

In this document recipient means someone who is given money by the Independent Living Fund Scotland.

The meeting happened on Monday 23 August 2021 from 1pm to 3pm.

Man in a blue jacket with his back to the camera looks at a screen with three people on it with different colour backgrounds

The meeting happened on Zoom.

Grey faces of people with a question mark in the middle. Represents who was in attendance

Who was at this meeting?

Jim Elder-Woodward

Andy Higgins

Joan Turner

Kate Walsh Christine Mercer

Linda Scott

Linda Scott

Grey faces of people with a question mark in the middle. A red line goes through the whole image. Represents who wasn't in attendance

Who could not come?

Hugh John-Glancy

Chloe McKee

Gordon McKee Nic Reid

6 Actions from this meeting

  1. Linda will email the Advisory Group when the Minister, Kevin Stewart, has given a new date to meet with the Group.
  2. The Charter for Involvement will be discussed at every meeting starting from the next meeting.
  3. Linda will check with the Centres for Independent Living to see if they want a session about the Charter for Involvement.
  4. There will be another meeting to talk about the Review of Adult Social Care consultation.
  5. Linda will send round the Terms of Reference again so that the Advisory Group can add their comments.
  6. The Terms of Reference will be added to the next meeting so that they can be agreed and signed off in November.

1. Welcome

Jim welcomed everyone.

2. Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care

Kevin Stewart is the Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care.

He could not come to this meeting. The group agreed that the Minister should come to a meeting before the November Advisory Group meeting.

3. The Minutes of the last Meeting

Everyone agreed that the Minutes from the last meeting were fine.

4. Any other things we need to talk about

The Advisory Group decided that the Charter for Involvement will be discussed at every meeting.

This will begin at the next meeting.

5. Updates about Policies, including COVID-19

Peter talked about the 500 hundred pound Thank You applications. He said that the payments had been going smoothly apart from small problems.

The Advisory Group talked about their Personal Assistants getting this payment.

They were very thankful to get it.

Linda told everyone about the review of all the Independent Living Fund Scotland’s policies.

The review is finished. Linda has talked to staff so that they understand the changes.

Policy 41 is about using funding.

It makes sure that funds can be used in different ways.

6. Review Visits

Linda talked about review visits happening again.

Independent Living Fund Scotland are organising the visits.

They will begin with the recipients who need a visit the most.

There is a video on the website to explain how visits will happen.

7. Policy 31 – about family who live with a Recipient, and are their paid Carer (Personal Assistant)

 Some family members acted as Personal Assistants because of Covid 19. This was a temporary arrangement and families should now go back to using the Personal Assistant or care provider they used before  COVID-19 because the flexible payments under the policy will be stopping.

8. Policy 26 – about who looks after someone’s Independent Living Fund Scotland Award

The Award manager is the person who looks after the paperwork and makes sure the recipient gets their money.

People sitting at a small round table chatting

There were talks about who can and who can’t be Award managers.

A few cases need to be looked at – like when a legal guardian is also an Award manager. This shouldn’t happen.

9. Your Responsibilities guide and Employer support

Some Award managers say they don’t feel confident about their role.

There will be some information sessions to help them.

Two people - a man and a woman - standing in front of a flip chart. The man is wearing a blue hat. The woman wears a grey suit.

Some Advisory Group members will join the sessions to see how they run, in case there are more sessions in the future.

Linda will check with the Centres of Independent Living to see if they want their own session.

10. Feedback from the Recipient Survey

This survey is now finished.

The feedback has been made into a document that is easy to understand.

You can click here on the website and open the link you find there.

11. Review of Adult Social Care

Peter and Jim talked about the group meeting. They said that a consultation about adult social care has begun.

A consultation is when the Scottish Government asks people for their views about making changes.

Independent Living Fund Scotland will send in a response to the  the consultation.

12. Terms of Reference

The group talked about changes to the Terms of Reference. Linda will send everyone the Terms of Reference so that they can add their comments.

13. Choosing a new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

The group agreed that Jim Elder-Woodward can carry on as the Chairperson of the Recipient Advisory Group.

The group agreed that Andy Higgins will be the Vice Chairperson.

Three people behind a desk with speech bubbles above their heads. The middle bubble reads 'Any Other Business?

14. Any other business

There was nothing else to talk about.

15. Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday 22 November 2021.

It will be from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

A lady in a stripy top with yellow beads waves and smiles

This is the end of the Minutes.

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