Independent Living Fund Scotland:
Scottish Recipient Advisory Group Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Christine Mercer
Joan Turner
Kate Walsh
Andy Higgins
Jim Elder-Woodward
Alannah Norton
Peter Scott
Linda Scott
Hugh John-Glancy
Gordon McKee
Chloe McKee
Nic Reid
Jim Elder-Woodward welcomed the Advisory Group to the meeting.
The Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care was unable to make this meeting so the Advisory Group came to an agreement that the Minister should join a separate meeting before the next Advisory Group meeting which is due to happen in November.
The group discussed if a face-to-face meeting would be possible but came to the conclusion that virtual would be easier for everyone to attend.
Linda Scott will email the Advisory Group when the Minister has confirmed a new date, hopefully mid to end of September.
The group signed off the minutes of the previous meeting.
The group decided that The Charter for Involvement will be an ongoing agenda item from the next meeting onwards.
Linda Scott gave an update on ILF Scotland’s policies including any Covid-19 policies. It has been decided that the flexible funding Covid-19 policy will end by the end of September... The Scottish Government is expected to send more information regarding what happens beyond September, however the number of people relying on the flexible funding policy is reducing month-on-month due to various situations. Andy Higgins mentioned that the cost of PPE is still high.
Post meeting note: SG extended to the end of October
Peter Scott gave an update on applications and mentioned that the payments system has allowed for smooth transfers so far apart from some small issues.
The Advisory Group gave accounts of their Personal Assistants (PAs) receiving funding and all said they were grateful for the payments.
Linda Scott gave an update on the review of ILF Scotland’s policy suit. This has now been completed and Linda has gone through the policies with staff to ensure they understand any changes made.
This policy has focussed on ensuring greater flexibility within ILF Scotland funding.
Linda Scott gave an overview of how ILF Scotland will restart review visits. There is a video on the website to let recipients know the protocol and ILF Scotland staff are in the process of allocating visits, prioritising those who need a visit most.
There are ongoing discussions around Policy 31 and relatives living in the same house. This should now be reverting to previous in line with the end of Covid flexibility payments for services that are not being delivered.
There has been discussions around who can and can’t be an award managers and small minority of cases may need reviewed i.e. those AMs who are also legal guardians, which is a potential conflict.
A number of award managers have fed back that they are unsure of their role, so it is hoped that some award manager information sessions will help this. ILF Scotland will be hosting a session for award managers through zoom and some Advisory group members have volunteered to join as it is a trial for wider sessions.
Linda Scott to check with the CiL’s to see if they would like to have a separate session on this.
The recipient survey is now completed and the actions and feedback have been uploaded onto the website in an easy-to-read summary document.
Peter Scott and Jim Elder-Woodward gave an overview of the group meeting and mentioned that a consultation has been launched for the review of adult social care. Once the consultation has ended, ILF Scotland will publish a response. The Advisory Group will have a separate session to discuss ILF Scotland’s response, this will take place after the meeting with the minister.
The Recipient Advisory Group terms of reference need reviewed by the group and it was agreed that the review will focus on making the terms of reference less formal. Linda will add a conflict of interest clause and the group should send any other comments about the Terms of Reference to Linda Scott, otherwise this piece of work is completed.
Linda Scott with recirculate the terms of reference so that the Advisory Group can add any comments. This will be added to the next agenda for sign off by the group in November.
The group agreed that Jim Elder-Woodward should continue on as the Chair of the Recipient Advisory Group and that Andy Higgins should continue as Vice Chair. The group seconded the votes for this decision.
Monday 22nd November 2021, 1.30pm – 3pm.