ILF Scotland

201906 - Scotland Advisory Group Minutes - June 2019

Type of document: Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups

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Published: June 30, 2019

Note of Meeting

Independent Living Fund Scotland: Stakeholder Group Meeting

Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living, Glasgow

27th June 2019 1100 – 1400


Jim Elder-Woodward
Chloe McKee
Gordon McKee


Andy Higgins
Kim Denholm
Joan Turner

In Attendance

Linda Scott
Peter Scott
Alannah Norton

List of Actions:

  • Linda will speak to assessors/Sandra Sweeney about the award managers interested in group. -Done
  • Alannah will work with Chloe on the creation of social media and website posts to attract new members. - Done
  • Holly Child to work with Jim and Linda on creating a leaflet for stakeholder membership. – Done (did not need implemented as enough people came forward)
  • Andy checking with other organisations who may have award managers or recipients interested in Stakeholder group.
  • Linda will check diaries for a date at the start of August for meeting to discuss Charter for Involvement action plan. – Done – happening same day as stakeholders
  • Linda will feedback to Andy regarding groups comments on Forum movie. - Done

1.   Welcome and Introductions

Following introductions, Jim formally welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Stakeholder Group.

2.   Minutes of Previous Meeting

The group agreed the previous minutes and Linda gave an overview of the actions list.

3.   Matters arising

Stakeholder membership.

Linda stated the measures ILF Scotland has taken to increase the membership of the Scotland Stakeholders Group. A few assessors have identified awards managers who may be interested in joining the group.

The group debated if it is appropriate to allow award managers to join the group and decided that as long as the award managers are clear that they are the voice of the recipient they will be able to join.

To attracted more members, Jim suggested that we should put a leaflet in with the offer letter to every recipient. Chloe suggested that we should put the call for new members on social media and the group agreed.

The last time we spoke to Andy he was contacting other organisations to check if they are in touch with any ILF Recipients who may be interested.

The group agreed that they would like to gradually see between 3 and 4 new members join the group, this would double the group in size.


Linda will speak to assessors/Sandra Sweeney about the award managers interested in group.

Alannah will work with Chloe on the creation of social media and website posts to attract new members.

Holly Child to work with Jim and Linda on creating a leaflet for stakeholder membership.

Andy checking with other organisations who may have award managers or recipients interested in Stakeholder group.

4.   Letter to Minister and Available Income update

Following our joint meeting in Northern Ireland, Jim had written a letter to Minister Joe FitzPatrick to invite him to the Scotland Stakeholder Group meeting. Joe has declined this time due to diary requirements but will meet with Peter and Susan in July to discuss the future of ILF.

Jim’s letter stated his concerns about the Available Income charge which has been discussed at length previously. Peter stated that he is in talks with Scottish Government about this and hopes that the minister will have a proposal to resolve this issue at the meeting in July.

There was a positive response from the group regarding the Available Income policy update and the group thanked ILF Scotland for all of the hard work they are doing to protect the future of the Fund.

5.   Adult Social Care Review

Peter stated that he has spoken with the Scottish Government (SG) regarding the reopening of the Fund and that they are making progress however this may be merged into part of the Adult Social Care Review (ASCR).

Jim is on the people led policy panel for the review and gave an overview of what this means and what the group are doing to help shape the ASCR.

Peter advised that although Adult Social Care is being reviewed, SG still have a commitment to keeping ILF open so does not feel that the Fund is in jeopardy.

6.    Feedback from joint stakeholder group meeting in Northern Ireland

The group chatted briefly about the joint stakeholder group meeting which happened in Northern Ireland. Linda mentioned that the momentum from the meeting is still going and the group are still working to campaign for the future of the Fund. Chloe has sent an email to Chair of the group, David McDonald, to thank him for hosting the meetings and reassure him that she is on the same wavelength as the Northern Ireland group.

The group gave positive comments and stated they are impressed by the Northern Ireland group’s drive. The group agreed that they’d like to meet with the Northern Ireland group again.

7.   Charter for Involvement

Jim and Linda have put together a plan to help ILF carry out its commitment to the Charter for Involvement which was signed by Susan in October. Jim and Linda gave an overview of their action plan so far and have recommended a joint group meeting with key staff members and stakeholders to coproduce the outcomes.


Linda will check diaries for a date at the start of August for meeting to discuss Charter for Involvement action plan.

8.   Forum Overview

In Andy’s absence, the group watched his overview video for the ILF Scotland Forum which will be launching soon.


Linda will feedback to Andy regarding the groups comments on Forum movie.

9.   AOB


10.   Next meeting

1st October 2019 – 10am – 1230pm

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