ILF Scotland

202103 - Scotland Advisory Group Minutes - March 2021

Type of document: Scottish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups

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Published: March 31, 2021

Note of Meeting

Independent Living Fund Scotland:
Scottish Recipient Advisory Group Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Monday 1st March 2021 1.30 p.m. – 3 p.m.


Jim Elderwoodward
Andy Higgins
Chloe Mckee
Gordon Mckee
Kate Walsh
Niqi Rainey
Chris Mercer
Joan Turner
Hugh John Clancy

In Attendance

Peter Scott
Linda Scott
Lee House
Colin Welsh from 14.30
Lucy Tait from 14.30



List of Actions:

1. Lee to share recipient feedback interim report results.

1.   Welcome and Introductions

Jim welcomed everyone to the Advisory Group meeting.

2.   Minutes of previous meeting

The group agreed the minutes of the last meeting. Actions points from previous meeting:

  1. Lee to send the latest update of the strategy document to recipient advisory group. (Actioned)
  2. Robert White will email a link to the new self-directed support standards to Linda/Lee to send to recipient advisory group. (Actioned)

    Social care - self-directed support: framework of standards - (
  3. Lee to add vaccines to the next meeting’s agenda. (Actioned)

3.   Matters arising


4.   Policy Updates

Peter advised that, as requested by the Group, ILF Scotland have raised the Available Income (policy 4) charges with the Scottish Government Sponsor Team and the Minister for Public Health. As yet, no agreement to further reduce contributions has been reached.

Linda advised that the new Use of Funding Policy 41 has now been published on the ILF Scotland website. Policy 44 Employer Support Guidance has also been approved and will be changed to an information note providing guidance rather than a policy. This means that anytime there are changes we will no longer require ministerial approval. The

Information Note should be added to the website week beginning 8/3/2021 along with a new self-employed factsheet and an updated ‘Your Responsibilities’ guide.

5.   Covid 19 Policy Update

Linda advised that SG sustainability payments will continue until the end of March. There are discussions ongoing about extending this further.

ILF Scotland will continue to pay the net award until instructed otherwise. (Post meeting note: SG has now extended the sustainability payments until the end of June 2021.)

Linda advised that implementation of the £500.00 staff thank you payment is still in discussion with Scottish Government and COSLA. Note this payment will be subject to tax and national insurance contributions.

Linda confirmed PA’s are in priority 2 to receive the Covid 19 vaccination. ILF Scotland have sent a letter to all recipients with adetails for each of the health boards. There has been some teething problems with some calls and emails relating to PA’s via the vaccination helplines. Linda and Peter have been in touch with the Scottish Government to feed these issues back. Lothian and Greater Glasgow are still facing issues, again this has been fed back to the Scottish Government.

6.    Recipient Survey Feedback – Interim Results

Lee shared a summary of the results of the report with the group.

7.    Review Of Adult Social Care Findings

Jim spoke about the key findings of the Feeley report on the review of Adult Social Care. The group discussed the potential to reopen ILF Scotland with estimated additional funding of around £32m. the Group welcomed this news and expressed a hope that SG would act quickly on this and not wait until after the election. Also discussed was the negative reaction of COSLA and others regarding the recommendation to establish a National Care Service, and the potential for this to block implementation of what has been a long held ambition of disability rights campaigners.

8.    Sponsor Team

Colin and Lucy from the ILF Sponsor Team in Scottish Government joined the meeting. Introductions took place with group members each discussing what ILF Scotland funding meant to them. There were general discussions about Available Income contributions and the potential to reopen ILF Scotland. The Group were clear about the massive benefit ILF brings to their lives, and their desire to see this benefit extended to other disabled people. They also explained in practical terms the negative impact of the current ILF Available Income charging policy has on their lives. Colin and Lucy thanked the Group for their input.

9   AOB

No other business

8. Date Of Next Meeting

Monday 24th May 1 – 3.30 PM

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