ILF Scotland

202111 - Scotland Advisory Group Minutes - November 2021

Type of document: Scottish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups

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Published: November 1, 2021

Note of Meeting

Independent Living Fund Scotland:
Scottish Recipient Advisory Group Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Monday 22nd November 1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.


Jim Elder-Woodward
Joan Turner
Chloe Mckee
Gordon Mckee
Kate Walsh
Christine Mercer

In Attendance

Lee House
Linda Scott
Robert White (left meeting at 2.56PM)
Marianne Craig (joined meeting at 2.30PM)


Andy Higgins

List of Actions:

  1. Lee House will send out the presentation from Marianne Craig to stakeholders following the meeting.

1.    Welcome and Introductions

Jim Elder-Woodward welcome everyone to the meeting and asked if everyone would give permission to record the meeting. Everyone agreed.

2.    Minutes from previous meetings

  1. Linda Scott will email the Advisory Group when the Minister has confirmed a new date, hopefully mid to end of September. (Done)
  2. The group decided that The Charter for Involvement will be an ongoing agenda item from the next meeting onwards. (Done)
  3. Linda Scott to check with the CiL’s to see if they would like to have a separate session on this.
  4. The Advisory Group will have a separate session to discuss ILF Scotland’s response to the Review of Adult Social Care consultation, this will take place after the meeting with the minister.
  5. Linda Scott with recirculate the terms of reference so that the Advisory Group can add any comments. (Done)
  6. The Terms of Reference will be added to the next agenda for sign off by the group in November.(Done)

3.    Matters arising


4.   Scottish Social Care Wage Increase

Linda Scott advised the group we have been working with the Scottish Government to increase the wages to £10.02 for PA’s. The letter has been signed off in time for the 1st December deadline for the uplift. ILF Scotland are on schedule to action this before the rates change. For all recipients we have increased the PA rate by 5.5%. We have also actioned this for recipients who use care agencies.

5.   Review Of Adult Social Care & NCS Consultation

Peter Scott has submitted a consultation paper on the due date. Peter Scott has included some of the questions that were asked to minister (Kevin Stewart) as part of the submission. Linda Scott advised the group that Peter Scott has had no further discussion or update from the Sponsor team regarding the submitted document.

6.    Policy Update/Covid 19

Linda Scott advises the group Local Authority are struggling to get services back up and running. The Sponsor team have agreed a degree of flexibility from now until March 2022 where if a service or support has been affected by a continuing or new outbreak of Covid 19 then we can continue to have some flexibility to fund replacement care on a case by case basis.

7.    Review Visits

Robert White advised the group that the assessors have been working through supporting recipients who had an urgent change of circumstances. There has also been a focus on recipients who have had services affected by the Covid 19 pandemic.

8.    Award Manager Sessions

Linda Scott advised the group that we have organized two sessions for Award Managers in December. There will be one session for award managers in Scotland and one session for recipients in Northern Ireland. There will be a two links to sign up for these events sent out via the ILF Scotland December newsletter.

9.    ILF Scotland Newsletter

Linda Scott advised the group the newsletter has been signed off and will be posted and emailed out in the first week of December.

10.   Charter For Involvement (Marianne Craig)

Marianne Craig delivered a presentation to update the group on the progress made on the improvement plans and Charter for Involvement. Lee House will send out the presentation to everyone after the meeting.

11.   Terms Of Reference

Linda Scott and Jim Elder-Woodward agreed to add Terms Of Reference to the next agenda.

12.    AOB


13.   Future Meeting Dates & Arrangements

Monday 21st February 2022 13:00 – 15:00
Monday 23rd May 2022 13:00 – 15:00
Monday 22nd August 2022 13:00 – 15:00
Monday 21st November 2022 13:00 – 15:00

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