1. Local Authorities have statutory assessment and care management responsibilities for those members of their communities who are assessed as needing social care support; ILF Scotland's role is to provide funding for additional and complementary independent living-focused support to disabled people over and above the statutory duties of local authorities.
2. COSLA and ILF Scotland recognise the added value that partnership and joined-up working delivers for the benefit of the disabled people who receive both statutory and additional ILF support - at the time of application to ILF and on an on-going basis.
3. It is recognised that at this time, when public sector budgets are under severe strain, it is more important than ever that local authorities and ILF Scotland maximise the value they can add in order to meet our shared ambition to support disabled people to live independent lives.
4. We are committed to working in partnership and believe that close collaboration is essential during the application and review of support arrangements for those we jointly sustain.
5. Whilst new applications will be led by local authority practitioners it is important to acknowledge that decisions on, and responsibility for, awarding ILF funds rest solely with ILF Scotland.
6. ILF Scotland is governed by a set of operational policies which have historically offered a degree of flexibility and discretion to deliver the best possible outcomes for the recipients of the fund. Local authorities apply agreed eligibility criteria and also have flexibility in the support they can provide to meet individuals' outcomes through Self-directed Support. It is important that these respective flexibilities continue to be used to full effect in order to maximise the benefit of the cumulative resources to all those receiving support.
7. Whilst recognising the need for close dialogue and discussion in those cases where there is a dual funding arrangement COSLA members and ILF Scotland will continue to focus on fulfilling our discrete but complimentary responsibilities, ensuring that we maximise the positive impact of public funds on independent living outcomes for disabled people in Scotland.
8. Key Principles to support this partnership approach:
COSLA and ILF Scotland
April 2024