ILF Scotland

202305 - Scotland Advisory Group Minutes - May 2023 (Easy Read)

Type of document: Scottish Minutes of recipient/stakeholder groups
Front cover of the Scottish Advisory Group Meeting Minutes for May 2023 in Easy Read

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Published: April 9, 2024
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Independent Living Fund Scotland

Scottish Recipient Advisory Group Meeting Minutes

18 May 2023

Grey faces of people with a question mark in the middle. Represents who was in attendance

Who was at this meeting?

Jim Elder-Woodward
Andy Higgins
Chloe McKee
Gordon Mckee
Nic Reid (left meeting at 11:04am)
Christine Mercer

In Attendance
Julia Smith

ILF Scotland Staff
Peter Scott
Lee House
Linda Scott
Paul Hayllor (joined at 10.54am, left at 11.22am)
Robert White (joined at 11.15am, left at 11.48am)
Emma O’Neill

Grey faces of people with a question mark in the middle. A red line goes through the whole image. Represents who wasn't in attendance

Who could not come to the meeting?

Joan Turner

A screen / ipad with a laughing lady holding an ipad on it with a yellow background. Other faces are along the top of the screen.


  1. Lee to talk to Alan Clarkson about using the waiting room feature for our stakeholder meetings on Zoom.

    Stakeholders are people or organisations who support our work.
We see the back of a man in a grey checked shirt. He's in front of a laptop with multiple people on it in a Teams or Zoom call.
  1. Linda to organise a meeting to discuss a proposal for a social return on investment exercise for the 2015 fund in Scotland.

    A social return on investment looks at the benefits of a project that are not just about money.

For example it could support people’s wellbeing, or help to reduce inequality.

Wellbeing means feeling comfortable, healthy and happy

  1. Advisory Group members to email any feedback about the Strategic Outcomes document to Linda Scott.
A woman in a nurses outfit shakes hands with a man.

Welcome and Introductions

Jim Elder-Woodward welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Everyone agreed to Lee recording the meeting.

1. Minutes from previous meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

Lee will give them to the communications team so they can put them on the website.

A man with a maroon rasta cap / tam on his head. He wear a suit and is about to sign something on the desk in front of him.

Actions from the last meeting

  1. Harvey and Peter to draft a letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Jim to sign, about the re-opening of the 2015 fund.

    It should contain detail on the amount personal assistants are paid per hour.

    This action is still happening.

2. Linda and Harvey will draft a proposal for the joint stakeholder event for Jim to see.

A draft proposal has been sent.

2. Matters arising - what do we need to talk about

There were no new things we needed to talk about.

3. Otto Artificial Intelligence hacking issue

Artificial intelligence, or AI uses computers and machines to copy how the human mind solves problems and makes decisions.

Hacking means someone has broken into a computer system and can see your information.

Linda told the group that there has been hacking of people’s calendars.

The hacker can get into meetings and record what is being discussed.

The group agreed to turn the option back on for the waiting room to support the security of our stakeholder meeting.

4. Update on new First Minister & Cabinet Secretary

Peter told the group that the new First Minister, Humza Yousaf, and the Cabinet Secretary, Michael Matheson are supportive of ILF Scotland and the re-opening of the fund.

Nic suggested that we let the Scottish Government know how many positives that the re-opening of the fund would have.
Re-opening the fund will have a positive affect on the economy.

Our economy is how the country produces and uses goods, services and money.

Linda said that ILF Scotland senior staff met with the Scottish Government Sponsor Team 2 weeks ago.

A lady in a yellow and white striped top. A blue thought bubble comes out her head with a green check and red cross in it.

They talked about organising an evaluation on the Social Return on Investment in Scotland which could:

  • show what impact the fund was having
  • give information that would be useful for the planned joint event and the re-opening of the fund

An evaluation checks if something is working well.

We hope to show the information from the evaluation at the joint event in September or October.

The Group agreed that ILF Scotland should chose an organisation to do the evaluation and the Group would sponsor it.
Linda will:

  • set up a meeting to talk more about this
  • send out information about how the evaluation was done in Northern Ireland

Emma told the group how this work was managed in Northern Ireland.

She was involved in the evaluation part of the exercise.
She will be involved in the planning but not the delivery of this exercise in Scotland.

5. Scottish Government Disability Equality Strategy

Peter said that the Scottish Government is developing a new Disability Equality Strategy to replace the Disability Action Plan.

The Scottish Government has set up a group to develop the strategy and hope it will be finished in 2023.

The group is working on a list of the most important work to be done on the cost of living crisis and the impact of this on disabled people.
The cost of living crisis means the cost of everyday things we need like food, clothes and heating going up a lot.

6. Joint Stakeholder Meeting

Linda and Peter said the proposal has been sent to the Scottish Government and we are waiting for an answer.

The event will be in September or October in Edinburgh.

Linda had a planning meeting with people from:

  • the Scotland Advisory Group
  • the NI Stakeholder Group
  • ILF Comms and Engagement staff

She has sent a note of this meeting to the group.

Please give Linda your ideas and tell her what you think.

She will organise another meeting when the Scottish Government have agreed the event can happen.

7. ILF Scotland draft strategy

Paul gave a presentation about the ILF Scotland Strategy 2023 to 2025.

He would like feedback from the group after the document is sent to them as a Word document.

Group members are asked to decide if there is any other work ILF Scotland should do as they work on their outcomes – what they want to happen.

A man holds up a picture with a confused girl in front of a green book with a signpost and guidance on it.

8. SDS Guidance update

Robert White told the group:

  • there have been a lot of applications for the Transition Fund
  • some social work departments cannot be award managers for recipients of the 2015 fund

ILF Scotland will work with local councils and the Scottish Government to find ways round this for each person.

  • there is an internal review to look at how to make the service better and to manage the workload of the casework team
  • review visits are taking longer than usual, partly because it is taking a long time to get completed forms and information from the local council
  • the Sponsor Team will continue to fund PAs to provide support to recipients in hospital for more than 28 days.

Linda spoke about the review of the Suspensions Policy so ILF awards can be suspended, not stopped, when recipients spend a long time in hospital or residential care.

She will send the draft revised policy to Group members for feedback.

A word cloud with the word 'word' in the centre. Around it float the other words stop, hello, eat, person, day and open.

9. The words we want to use

This means for example, saying ‘disabled people’ instead of ‘people with disabilities’.

We will talk about this at the next meeting.

A clock shows 1 o'clock. A wages packet with money coming out the top. There's a red arrow pointing upwards.

10. Adult social care wage increase

Linda said that ILF Scotland has increased PA hourly rates from £10.50 to £10.90 from 1 April 2023.

There is no automatic increase to the rates charged by Social Care Providers.

The Group talked about providers who increase PA hourly rates halfway through the year and then send recipients backdated bills.

Linda and Peter have written to providers to make it clear they should tell award managers about increase before bills are sent out.

Award managers should then tell ILF Scotland who can backdate bills for 4 weeks.

Senior staff have spoken to providers and met with payroll and financial management providers.

It has got better but there are still some problems.

Linda and Peter will talk more about this.

A woman kneels to talk to a man in a wheelchair. Behind them is a rule book with the words Rules on it and a green check and red cross on it.

11. Planned registration and rules about PAs

The training and registration of PAs is being developed.

There will be no rules for the terms and conditions of PA employment.

12. Policy

Linda said Policy 38 has been changed so we can restart awards if a recipient comes back into the community from hospital or residential care.

ILF Scotland will make a draft policy about changing Policy 20 Payments to increase the maximum sums:

  • for Group 1 recipients from £815 to £1,000
  • for Group 2 recipients from £475 to £600

Linda will send the draft policy to Group members.

Social work staff have said they cannot manage recipient awards and will look at individual cases with our assessors.

A woman carries a clipboard. She wears red. A man in a suit looks through a small magnifying glass.

Linda and ILF Scotland senior staff will review Policy 26 - Managing an ILF Scotland Award and send any changes to the group.

13. Re-opening of the 2015 fund

We talked about this in Agenda point 4.

14. Charter for involvement

Linda said that ILF Scotland staff had made good progress on the actions to achieve the Charter Statements and she:

  • has sent a report to ILF Scotland’s Board
  • will put an update on the website
  • will share this with the Group before setting up a meeting to agree the most important work to be done in 2023 and 2024

It is likely that Emma, Nic and Catherine Symington, Assessor, will be at the meeting along with other interested members of the Advisory Group.

15. Any other business – what else do we need to talk about?

There was nothing else we needed to talk about.

13. Date of the next meeting

Lee will send out a Doodle Poll.

Copyright images © Photosymbols. Prepared by Disability Equality Scotland

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