Subject: Internal Review of Decision
Version: 2.0
Date Created: 14 December 2017
Last Review: 29 March 2021
Next Review: 31 March 2024
ILF Scotland aims to provide a high standard of service and to ensure that all decisions made are correct first time. However, there may be occasions when someone asks us to review a decision we have taken. E.g., a decision not to fund an item an applicant has requested.
The following people can request a decision review:
A person must request a decision review, either verbally or in writing, within one month of the date that ILF Scotland informed them of the decision.
ILF Scotland aims to acknowledge all requests within five working days, and to notify people of the outcome of the decision review within 15 working days of the date it has received all necessary information.
ILF Scotland’s Discretionary Decision Panel, which consists of members of its management team, will consider decision review requests and reach a decision. The Chief Executive will not participate in these decisions.
If the Discretionary Decision Panel made the original decision, ILF Scotland’s Chief Executive will consider the request and reach a decision.
An applicant can complain to ILF Scotland if they are unhappy with the decision review process ILF Scotland has followed. Please see ILF Scotland’s Complaints Handling Procedure
ILF Scotland has the power to make ex-gratia payments to compensate for financial loss, gross inconvenience or gross embarrassment. Please see our Ex-gratia Payments policy