1. How many fraud cases were reported in the life of the Fund to end date of last financial year (not on corporate or annual report)?
2. How many data breaches were logged/reported to the ICO in the life of the Fund to end date of last financial year (not on corporate or annual report)?
3. What is the breakdown of recipients who do/do not pay a personal contribution? Please include a breakdown of Groups 1 and 2.
4. How many grievances and disciplinary proceedings have there been for each year of ILF Scotland’s existence?
5. How many pay awards have been made/withdrawn and what is the total value of pay awards for each year of ILF Scotland’s existence?
6. I am looking for information about the 2019 operational annual report.
1. Please refer to Annual Report and Accounts on the Publications section of the ILF Scotland website. This information can be found under ‘Losses and Special Payments’.
For clarity, allegations of misuse of funds are referred to the ILF Scotland Fraud Liaison Officer by a member of ILF Scotland staff or a third party.
The allegation is investigated by the Fraud Liaison Officer who then refers cases to NHS Counter Fraud Services where there is any indication of misuse of funds.
This is the number of cases recorded with some investigations carrying over into the following financial year.
2. ILF Scotland have had 24 data incidents since May 2018. 2 data incidents were reported to the ICO.
3. Please refer to 001.
4. Please refer to items 002, 003 and 004 under ‘Our People’.
5. Please refer to 005 and 006.
6. ILF Scotland are in the process of completing a report for 2019. This will be published online in due course. As such, and in accordance with Section 27 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, ILF Scotland is unable to disclose any information relating to the 2019 annual report at present.
2018 - Q1: 3
2018 - Q2: 6
2018 - Q3: 11
2018 - Q4: 12
2019 - Q1: 23
2019 - Q2: 37
2019 - Q3: 18
2019 - Q4: 14
2020 - Q1: 45
2020 - Q2: 9