The National Involvement Network (NIN) is a network of people with additional support needs. They have been meeting since 2007 to promote involvement and share ideas about things that matter most to them. Their aim is that everyone who has a disability or support needs has their voice heard and is involved in the decisions that affect them.
NIN launched the Charter for Involvement with the aim of supporting people who want to be involved and have a say about the services they receive, the organisations that provide their services, and their wider communities. You can read the Charter for Involvement on the ARC Scotland website.
ILF Scotland signed NIN’s Charter for Involvement in 2018, committing to implementing the Charter’s 12 guiding statements to enhance the direct involvement of our fund recipients. We have since worked with our stakeholders to co-produce an Action Plan that sets out how we will put the Charter statements into practice in our organisation.
Find out more about ILF Scotland’s Charter for Involvement Action Plan.
The NIN hold several meetings throughout the year. The next meeting is on Wednesday 27 September at the Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square in Edinburgh from 11am until 2.30pm.
View Easy Read directions to the Methodist Church in Edinburgh.
The theme of the meeting will be “What Matters To You?” and Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport will also join the meeting
View an Easy Read Agenda for the September NIN Meeting.
Everyone is welcome at the meetings and lunch is provided.
For more information visit the NIN website, email or call 0131 663 4444.