ILF Scotland

20160108 - Board Meeting Minute - 8 January 2016

Type of document: Board Reporting

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Published: January 8, 2016


Independent Living Fund Scotland: Board meeting

Fleming A, 5 Atlantic Quay, Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU

Friday 8th January 2016: 09:30am - 12:30pm

In Attendance

Susan Douglas-Scott                             Chair, Board of Directors
Bridget Sly                                             Board Director
Alan Dickson                                          Board Director


Fiona O’Donnell                                    Board Director


Peter Scott                                           CEO
Harvey Tilley                                          Chief Operating Officer
Nadeem Hanif                                        Head of Finance
Robert White (Agenda item 2 only)       Head of Social Work
Aileen McNiven                                      Executive Business Manager

  1. Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the first formal meeting of the ILF Scotland board, and thanked all for attending. 

Apologies were noted from Fiona O’Donnell due to inclement weather conditions restricting travel.  The Board tried to connect via tele-conference, however were unsuccessful, but summarised together at the end of the meeting.

          Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest expressed from any attendees.

2. ILF Scotland Quarterly Report and Finance Report

a. Quarterly Report

Peter Scott introduced the Independent Living Fund Scotland Quarterly Report and spoke to the paper, alongside Harvey Tilley, Robert White and Nadeem Hanif.

Peter gave a brief update in line with the paper. 

In particular Peter asked the board to give consideration to the process for amending policies generally, and Policy 24 in particular.

Robert White informed the Board that there may be a requirement to amend ILF Scotland policies in line with the current and changing social and political landscape. Robert spoke of the need for ILF Scotland to emphasise partnership and to maximize the use of the ILF Scotland Fund.  In particular the issue of the changing balance between ILF Scotland and LA funding was discussed at length.  The board indicated in principle their support for the proposed policy change, subject to reviewing the paper before it is submitted to Scottish Government.

The Board agreed that any policy changes should be:-

  • accompanied with an outlining rationale for the change
  • approved by the ILF Scotland Board prior to submission to the Scottish Government for formal approval

Peter informed the Board that the organisation although in its infancy was settling down well and systems were bedding down.

Harvey spoke of the Assessors working through the back log of ILF Scotland recipient reviews and acknowledged it was taking longer than first expected due to the nature of bedding down a new organisation.

Harvey explained that a Project Management Plan was progressing well and a Risk Management Plan would be submitted to the first Audit & Risk Committee at the end of January. A first draft of the fully benchmarked remuneration package will be submitted for approval to the Remuneration Committee on the 26th February.

The Board was informed that the FOI system was now fully functional and compliant. It was agreed to request access for the Board to all Parliamentary Questions and FOI queries- via the Sponsor Team.

The Board noted the Quarterly Report. and Finance Report which will be submitted for approval at the next Board meeting following a few changes and additions.

b. Finance Report

Nadeem spoke to the paper and acknowledged that the current budget was created from a standing start with no historical data. Nadeem spoke positively of the challenges this has created in the first year, however a clearer picture was emerging for the future.

Following detailed discussion on the Management Accounts to November 2015, Alan requested that an expenditure plan be created and submitted to the Audit Committee for scrutiny.  Also, Peter will speak with the Sponsor Team regarding the possibility of an underspend in the 15/16 Budget.

3. Draft 16/17 Budget

It was acknowledged that this paper was an initial draft only.  The paper was presented for information and comments were invited.

The Board noted the Draft Budget which will be amended and submitted to the Audit& Risk Committee on 28th January prior to submission for approval at the next full Board meeting.

4. Terms of Reference-Board/Audit Committee/Remuneration Committee

Peter Scott introduced the ToR for the Board, Audit & Risk Committee and Remuneration Committee.  The Board noted that we are waiting for our Framework Agreement from Scottish Government, which may have implications for the board terms of reference.

The Board noted and approved, in principle, the ToR for all committees subject to a few minor amendments. All comments to be sent to Peter.

Susan requested that the Audit Course PowerPoint be forwarded to Alan and Bridget and both should attend the ‘On-Board’ Audit & Risk course.

Susan requested that ToR should remain as a standing item on the agenda to confirm proposed amendments have been made and to ensure compatibility with the Framework Agreement.  At this stage, formal approval will be possible.

5. Mission , Vision and Strategy

Susan explained that ILF Scotland should develop a ‘Mission, Vision and Strategy’ as soon as possible, to give clarity to what ILF Scotland stands for and its future direction. It was noted that although ILF Scotland await the New Fund Framework from Scottish Government, this work should be started.

Peter and Susan to consider engagement with DPO’s prior to the creation of the co-production working group to ensure their continued engagement.

6. Internal & External Audit Plans

Nadeem explained the Scottish Government procurement process to the Board in order to appoint the Internal & External Auditors. Two bids have been received for the Internal Audit work. The External Audit process is still out to tender.

It is expected that the Internal Auditors should be appointed and in place by mid-January, with the External Auditors being appointed by mid-February at the latest.

Alan, Peter and Nadeem will recommend Auditors for appointment following the procurement process, and Alan will make a formal recommendation to the Board for approval on completion of the process.

The Board agreed that Fiona O’Donnell will be seconded to the Audit & Risk Committee for the meeting on January 28th only, due to Bridget being on annual leave with no access to emails and phone.

7. Directors Register of Interests –Policy

The Conflict of Interest Policy was agreed subject to the following amendments:

Para 2: Line 2 – remove ‘integrity’ and replace with organisation

Para 2: Line 3 – remove ‘integrity and’

Para 3: Line 3- remove ‘I’

8. AOB

The following future meetings were agreed by the ILF Scotland Board:

Full Board
 7th April 2016                    1:30pm-4:30pm                 Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

27th June 2016                  11:00am-3:00pm               Denholm House, Livingston

10th October 2016             11:00am-3:00pm               Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

Board Development Day
26th February 2016            Full day                            Atlantic Quay, Glasgow                             

Audit & Risk Committee
28th January 2016             09:30am-12:00pm             Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

24th March 2016                10:00am-12:00pm             Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

16th June 2016                  3:00pm-5:00pm                 Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

22nd September 2016        10:00am-12:00pm             Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

Members : Alan Dickson ( Chair), Bridget Sly

Remuneration Committee
26th February 2016            Following Board Dev Day   Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

Members: Fiona O’Donnell ( Chair), Susan Douglas-Scott

9. Close

The Chair thanked everyone for attending and looking forward to working with everyone


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