ILF Scotland

FOI-20210202 - Collective Agreements and Fair Work Practices

Type of document: Freedom of Information
Front page of the Freedom of Information Request FOI-020221 Collective Agreements and Fair Work Practices

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Published: February 10, 2021

Reference Number: 


Fulfilment Date: 



Collective Agreements and Fair Work Practices


I would like some information about your workforce in Scotland, about collective agreements and Fair Work practices (as defined by the Fair Work Convention and supported by the Scottish Government).

  1. Which trade unions are recognised for collective bargaining for directly-employed staff in Scotland?
  2. Which collective agreement or collective agreements cover those staff?
  3. How many of your directly-employed staff in Scotland are covered by each collective agreement (head count rather than full-time equivalent please)?
  4. Which contractors, if any, deliver your contracted-out services in Scotland (for example, cleaning or catering)?
  5. How many staff, approximately, do the largest contractors each employ there?
  6. Do those contractors demonstrate Fair Work Practices (such as the Living Wage, trade union recognition, and collective bargaining)?


  1. PCS via the Scottish Government.
  2. All collective bargaining is done through the Scottish Government as ILF Scotland have aligned their Public Sector Pay Policy with the Scottish Government.
  3. N/A
  4. N/A. This is done through the Scottish Government.
  5. N/A
  6. This is done through the Scottish Government.
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