ILF Scotland

Re-Opening Co-Production Events

Updated: June 13, 2024
A graphic illustrator draws on a board with post-its on it.
Picture - Chris Watt Photography 07887554193


Thank you to everyone who got involved in the co-production events to help shape the re-opening of the Independent Living Fund in Scotland.

More than 220 people from across Scotland attended the events, including disabled people, carers, Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), health and social care professionals, key stakeholders in government, a range of support providers and voluntary and not-for-profit organisations.

Your contributions are helping the Co-Production Working Group make their recommendations to the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport.

Topics and Key Messages

At each of the events, we wanted to get feedback about certain topics. These were:

  • Threshold Sum
  • Maximum Award
  • Age
  • Award Management
  • Charging for ILF
  • Capital Threshold
  • Relationship with Local Authorities
  • Additionality
  • Use of ILF Funding
  • Who should get the funding

Download the Easy Read summary of the discussion points on each topic from all events.

Individual Events

All Event Feedback - Word Cloud

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