ILF Scotland

Employer Support Information Note

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Understanding your responsibilities as an employer can be complicated. ILF Scotland cannot give advice on Employment Law, but our Employer Support Information Note provides good practice guidance to recipients (or someone acting on their behalf) who wish to employ their own Personal Assistant(s).

The Information Note signposts to key employment information and explains what support ILF Scotland can provide to recipients to help ensure safe and effective recruitment.


You can also download Is your PA employed or self-employed? – a factsheet from the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group of The Chartered Institute of Taxation (updated in April 2022).

Or download the booklet Purchasing Support From A Self-Employed Personal Assistant Booklet from the Centre for Inclusive Living Northern Ireland (CILNI) which includes a section on determining whether your PA is self-employed.


The Personal Assistants Network Scotland advertises vacancies for PAs. If you are an employer or partner organisation wishing to advertise a vacancy please email, giving full details of your vacancy.

Fraser's Personal Assistant talks about his role in the video above.

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