ILF Scotland

Advice for Award Managers

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  5. Advice for Award Managers

An Award Manager is someone who manages an ILF Scotland award. This can be the fund recipient or someone appointed to manage the award on the recipient’s behalf.

The following people can act as an ILF Scotland Award Manager:

  • the ILF recipient themselves
  • someone with Power of Attorney / Financial Guardianship
  • a Benefits Appointee
  • a third party (such as a family member or financial management organisation), suitable in ILF Scotland’s view
  • a Social Work representative from within your Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) or Trust (HSCT)

ILF Scotland reserves the right to require a change in Award Manager if, for any reason, we have concerns about their fulfilment of the role.

Your Responsibilities Guide

It is important to understand what your responsibilities are when managing an ILF Scotland award. The ‘Your Responsibilities’ guide provides information on:

  • the responsibilities of the Award Manager,
  • managing ILF funding and what this can pay for,
  • employing Personal Assistants or appointing care providers,
  • the changes you need to tell us about,
  • what records you must keep, and
  • ILF Scotland review visits

You can view the "Your Responsibilities Guide" in full here.

It is important that you only spend the funds on the outcomes that have been agreed with us. ILF Scotland works closely with  NHS Scotland Counter Fraud Services (CFS) and supports its objective of ensuring that public funds are deployed for the public good, ensuring effective delivery of frontline care, as the people of Scotland rightly expect. NHS Scotland Counter Fraud Services (CFS) protects Scotland’s public services from financial irregularities by providing a comprehensive range of initiatives to public sector organisations.

In Northern Ireland we will report any concerns about suspected fraud to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

If you are concerned or believe that any ILF Scotland funding is being fraudulently used then you can contact us by emailing or you can phone us on 0300 200 2022 and speak to our Operations Manager, Ann Cowan.

Unspent Monies

Sometimes you will have money left from your award that you have not spent. We understand that you may be putting this money aside to pay for things, such as employer costs if you employ a Personal Assistant, or funds you have not spent because you did not use support for a short period of time due to being in hospital.

If this is the case, you can keep up to one week of your normal ILF Scotland award (after setting aside money owed on unpaid wages or invoices) as a contingency fund to pay for any extra support you might need, but you need to return the rest of the money to us.

You can download forms below to return money. Please note there are separate forms for people in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

See also:

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