Money from the ILF Scotland Transition Fund cannot be used for things that another organisation would give you money for, e.g. NHS, Social Work, Access to Work, Student Awards Agency Scotland, etc.
In addition, money from the ILF Scotland Transition Fund cannot be solely used for these things:
You can contact us by email on or by phone on 0300 200 2022 for more information about what the money can be used for.
ILF Scotland cannot fund any item retrospectively. This means that you should not pay for any item or service that you have applied for before you receive the funds from us.
If you’re applying to college or university, and have a disability or additional learning need(s), you may be eligible to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).
DSA can help you with the costs of specialist equipment, interpreters or note takers, travel assistance and disability-related study support, for example having to print additional copies of documents for proof-reading.
In order to receive DSA, you need to contact Disability Services at your college/university and undertake a needs assessment. It’s always in your best interests to get in touch prior to your course starting to ensure you receive all the help available to you. You do not need to pay back DSA.
If you are applying to ILF Scotland for support that DSA provides, we will ask you to apply for that first because we are unable to fund items or services where another public body has a duty to provide this. If you are unsuccessful in your application for DSA, you should confirm this to us and can include any relevant requests for funding in your application to us.
In Scotland:
Apply for DSA through Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS).
Telephone: 0300 555 0505
A guide to DSA is also available.
The most amount of money you can apply to the ILF Scotland Transition Fund for is £4,000.
In your application form, you will need to give the reasons why you need the money, what you want to do with it and what difference it will make to your life.
We evaluate all applications fairly and consistently and as a public body, we have to demonstrate value for money in our grant funding role. If we think it is appropriate, we may ask you to opt for an item which is more reasonably priced than the one you have ask for but is still suitable for your needs.
You can contact us by email on or by phone on 0300 200 2022 for more information about what the money can be used for and how much money you can apply for.