If you have a good idea of what you would like to apply for but need a bit of help to support you through the process, we are happy to provide that before you put in your application.
We can offer you a range of support depending on your circumstances. Get in touch with us and we can help you to decide which method of support is right for you and how to get started. Call us on 0300 200 2022 or email TF_Planning@ILF.scot.
Principles into Practice and Compass are online support tools for young people to aid with the transition to young adult life.
Provided by the Scottish Transitions Forum, which is part of ARC Scotland and a charity for people who need additional support to live the lives they choose. It aims to improve the experiences of young people who are making the transition to young adult life.
There are three versions of the Compass tool, for young people, parents and professionals. They can all be used to make transition easier by identifying what is important to the young person. Sometimes this is the only support that is needed and the young person can then go on and make an application independently or with support.
A member of our friendly Transition Fund team is more than happy to discuss your potential application with you and to provide you with information that might help you decide what to apply for that would help you reach your goals.
You can meet with us in person – at college, home or online, wherever you feel most comfortable. This will involve a friendly, informal chat about what you would like to achieve and how the Transition Fund can help. You are more than welcome to include a friend, parent or carer in these discussions.
We’ll also be able to help you start your Transition Fund application and give you advice on how to complete the form. This will help ensure that we have all the information we need in your application so that we can consider whether we can provide you with funding.
This does not necessarily guarantee that your application will be processed more quickly because we do this in strict date order from when applications are received. Neither does it mean that your application is guaranteed to be funded but if your original application is unsuccessful, you can apply as many times as you wish
There is no cost to this.
Call us on 0300 200 2022 or email us at TF_Planning@ILF.scot and tell us you would like support to complete your application and we will get back in touch with you.
Want to apply to the Transition Fund, but not quite sure what to apply for yet or don’t know what your goal is?
You can get one-to- one support to help you plan for your future.
We can arrange to have an external planner meet with you and explore different options with you and then produce a plan that sets out what you would like to try to achieve and how a grant from the Transition Fund might help you to do this. This is called Person Centred Planning (PCP).
PCP is a way of helping someone plan their life. The process looks at the goals that the person wants to achieve and the support that they will need to achieve them. The result of the process is a plan that you and those that support you can put into action to help make the changes you want to happen.
This service will be provided by professionals who have been trained to help people plan for their future. There are a number of organisations who provide this service and we will help you access one of these.
There is no cost to you for this service, it will be fully funded by ILF Scotland.
If you think you or the person that you are supporting to apply to the fund might need this extra support, please contact us at TF_Planning@ILF.scot.
If you need any more information about the range of supports available to make your Transition Fund application, please contact us directly by emailing enquiries@ILF.scot or by calling 0300 200 2022.