Once your application has been received you will be sent an email or a letter from us to confirm that your application has been received.
We will then process your application and you will receive an update from us. We aim to process applications within 12 weeks when we have all of the necessary information to allow us to do so. However, we have seen an unprecedented increase in the number of applications submitted to the fund and, as a result, the processing period for applications may extend beyond 12 weeks.
As you will appreciate, we are receiving a high level of calls and emails for updates on the progress of applications. While these are understandable, if you have received confirmation that we have received your application, then please be rest assured we are processing it and will be in touch with you as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions about the process or your application you can contact our staff team either by phone on 0300 200 2022 or by emailing enquiries@ILF.scot
If you are granted funding for a specific purpose and (for any reason) want to change the use of that funding you must contact ILF Scotland and explain what you now want to use the funding for.
We have to agree to the change before you can spend the money. If we haven’t approved that change then we may ask that you repay that portion of your funding.